Major Panic-But It Is Over Now

Major panic this morning.  I noticed that none of the links that I had been sending out on my blog were correct. In fact, they were all broken! I freaked.  My blog is a major way of my promoting my work.  My husband saw the terror in my eyes as I realized this affected

1. All outgoing blog posts anywhere linking to my site from present or past

2. All of my twitters posts

3. My work that I had sent to my instructor for graduate school.

My husband, who is not into social marketing, rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, it is the end of the world.”

For someone who works hard at social marketing it means a lot, plus it is wasted effort if the links no longer work, and I hate that.  If I send someone a link on a blog post I would expect that it would work!

Now, if you remember, I had to change my blog from blogger to WordPress about a month ago. ( Notice this link that I just posted will work now that this problem is fixed.)

FYI the reason I had to move was The blog I had through blogger was an ftp blog, which basically means it was not a blog
but instead my links were linked from my website I moved because blogger would no longer support these ftp blogs. This change infuriated many, me included. However, I have really liked the transition and the Word Press blog.

When the problem of broken links to my blog appeared, it was hard to notice. After all, how many times do I go back to the internet and try and see how my links are doing?

When it hit me today I looked around and sure enough broken, broken, BROKEN!
I contacted web designer Shawn Hesketh, who by the way has wonderful tutorials on how to put up a WordPress site at

The problem was all about my permalink structure that can be set up in the settings in the admin panel on the WordPress blog.  Shawn said I could read about it in
Part 2: Creating a New Post – covers how to create a custom permalink for an individual post.
Part 17: Configuration Settings – covers how to set up the Custom Permalink Structure.

But basically if I had the same settings as my old blog which was I would be fine. I set this up as custom permalink structure with this code. /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html

He also said he might create an individual topic on this tricky subject. for

Oh , and Shawn said his WordPress 101 site is a membership site, but if you use this coupon code CREATIVESCULPTURE  during signup he will discount the cost of a lifetime membership by 50%.

Thanks Shawn.