Technology In Art

Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon is pretty much a geek when it comes to technology. She received her MFA from Goddard College with a focus on bridging the gap between new digital technology and the traditional art studio.  This blog is created not only for the client, students and alumni to be able to watch the process, but also for educational purposes.  Ms. Mongeon is a proponent of education and will be sharing some of that through the blog.

Below is a video of how Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has used Digital Technology in her sculpture studio.

As the above video described, often using programs like Poser helps the artist work out the designs and poses. The preliminary sculpture is still a long way from being approved; however, the committee is moving right along and the designs are helping everyone think through the process.

Ms. Mongeon often speaks about the topic of using digital technology in the sculpture studio. She will be speaking at 3DCAMP Houston in September. 3DCAMP is a local organization supporting education in all things 3D. 3DCAMP Houston is being sponsored by the University of Houston College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the School of Art. Ms. Mongeon is knee-deep on the  planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston as well as a speaker. The up and coming press release for 3DCAMP 2012 states,

” The goal of 3DCAMP Houston 2012 is to encourage and educate individuals about the use of 3D in various disciplines; therefore 3DCAMP 2012 is returning with STEAM, an educational initiative that supports 3DCAMP Houston educational goal of incorporating and encouraging the blending and education of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM). 

3d Art – Fabric to Frankenstein-
3d technology, science and art are combined to create some incredible and sometimes bizarre artwork. Sculptor, Bridgette Mongeon shares the work of different artists, and the vendors and universities who are making some interesting discoveries. Many artists are embracing the new technology, having fun and creating some incredible and sometimes gruesome artwork.

Bridging the Gap Between the Traditional and Digital Sculpture Studio
Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon shares her workflow and resources of incorporating both digital and traditional technology in what is referred to as tra-digi art that she creates in her Houston, Texas studio. The new technology expands the creative process and expedites her work flow.

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