The Bible

The last and final piece to be complete for the praying man is the bible and seat.  The biggest hold up with this was the text that was to be created in the bible. Usually I hand carve the text; however, this was three verses and quite a bit of text.  After much deliberation I had the text created as a rubber stamp that is reversed, the type is indented into the rubber. I completed sculpting the bible and then put this stamp inside the pages, claying up to the edges.Then we made a mold of the seat and bible.  THE FINAL MOLD IS COMPLETE! Everything will now go to wax and metal.  

A rubber stamp is made of the verse. 
The rubber stamp was clayed up and set within the bible
pages. Here is the seat after the mold was made. 
The seat is a large mold, but it is the final mold. Time to
clean the studio and get ready for the next project. 
Each mold must be cleaned before sending to the foundry.
The text on the bible looks great! 

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