There Are Some Things In Life …

There are some things in life….that require you to stop and take a breath and do something else besides work, marketing and monitoring employees and apprentices.  A daughter’s wedding is one of those.  My daughter will be getting married on Friday.  Or should I say what I have beens saying for the last month, “My baby is getting married.” I arrived almost a week early, I thought I would bring work along, just incase there was idle time.  I hate idle time.  NOT! We have been DOINGG since I arrived.  I live to cross things off of the list of things needing to get done.  

One of the reasons I arrived early was that my daughter invited me to her bachelorette party.  I was flattered to be cool enough to come and dubbed myself (DD) designated driver.  The party was titled “wigged out” and I had to find a wig, at the last minute before leaving I was able to find a cool, blonde hippy wig with head band.  Funny I remember dressing like this for real-head bands.   I have never been a blonde, and no matter how long I wait in between hair cuts, I have had approximately 7-10 in my adult life, my hair does not grow long.  

We definitely received some looks.  Here are some pictures.  Our itinerary eat sushi, and then dance at different places.  It was interesting to see the “young” places and dances.  Of course I could dance anywhere, but I still prefer ball room or jitterbug.  That will be for Friday.  Four days and counting.  Oh yes, the cake lady bugged out on us, so I guess I’ll be creating a wedding cake.  Can’t guarantee it will turn out perfect, but I’ll do my best.  FYI about photos, daughter has pink hair.  Photo of me  with the peace signs. I look stoned, but I am not. That is what the (MOTB) mother of the bride looks like when she has stays up WAY past her bedtime. 

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