Ultimate Frisbee is Coming Along

Positioning the two figures

Digital presentations are good for getting the message of a design to some clients, as was the case with the Ultimate Frisbee Player presentation. But, in reality there is much work to be done in the clay.  More reference photographs were needed before I could proceed with the sculpture. So I hired a young man who was about the size of model to jump up and down in my studio yard, while I video taped him. Yes, video taped him, because I could not click the shutter quick enough to get the photographic reference that I needed on the folds.

hiring a model to jump to have better reference of folds.
Making a mold of the ultimate frisbee player

Once the piece was complete it is approved by the client. Many clients don’t realize that most sculptures will be cut  into pieces for the mold process.  The artist goes to great extent to make things perfect for the client, but must redo the work once again when the sculpture is cut apart.

Miguel from the foundry examines the
Piece to see about making a mold.

Together the client and I go over the different figures and I learn that securing the figures as we were intending could be construed as a foul. So, we change the design a bit.

Miguel comes to the studio from the foundry and gives me some pointers on the mold. It is a tiny piece and a mold will not be difficult but there are some things I am questioning and I enjoyed his opinion.

Then it was off to cutting apart the piece and making the molds.  Which I did outside in the heat, because we are temporarily using my studio as a nursery for 3 feral cats who have given birth and dropped off their kittens on the porch.  Everything that is lost ends up at my house/studio.  The kittens are enjoying the studio and arrangements are being made to help them, but so I didn’t kill little kitty brain cells, I opted for creating molds outside on the studio porch.   Sure hope the kittens are gone before the Prairie View A & M big cat is in there.

Soon we will see the waxes of the Ultimate frisbee player.

Molds for Ultimate Frisbee Player

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