Unusual And Spectacular Gift For Mother’s Day

Texas artist creates portraits
It does not matter what the size: portrait bust, figurine, or life-size they all capturing forever the childhood and memory of being a mom.

I have had several father’s contact me over the years. There is nothing that they can give that is more personal than their own child. Some of these are simple small sculpted figurines, others are life-size sculpture of their child.

state of boy. cowboy boots bronze tribute
A mother captures a time and a memory of their child- a son’s first boots. Notice the boots are on the opposite feet.

Whatever the size, when someone gives a commission sculpture they are not only giving a gift, they are giving a family heirloom. They are capturing forever a time and a memory.  Many ask, “Can you sculpt my daughter for my wife”, but many times the child may be grown, and I use photographs from when they were little and capture them in a moment and time.

A mother captures a special scene from a photograph in a family heirloom of bronze.

Don’t worry if you feel this type of project can’t be completed before Mother’s day. I often create an introduction for the mother, allowing them to become a part of the creative process.  Together we bring to life, what she and her husband have created.

If you would like more information please do not hesitate in contacting  sculpture Bridgette Mongeon. More images and ideas can be seen on my website https://creativesculpture.com

If you know other’s who are looking for posts about unusual and interesting mother’s day gifts, They are welcome to reproduce this blog post and use the photographs downloaded to their own server.

bronze sculpture of two children in a swing
In this family heirloom the dog another family member, who was at the end of his life, was added. In “Grandpa’s Swing” the little boy is eating a cookie, eyed of course by the dog. The little girl is reading the book, “If You Give A Mouse A Cooke”. The swing really swings.
statues of bronze memories
In this sculpture the parents captured a memory of their grown children as a fountain, in a perpetual tea party.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bridgette.mongeon

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