Upside Down Christmas Party

The upside down Christmas tree

It is becoming a tradition. The invitation says we have been doing this since 1993, not every year, but it is definitely becoming a regular happening of late.  I suppose we are committed to doing it each year as people ask, “When is the Upside Down Party?” They want to be sure to put  it on their calendar. It is true it is getting bigger and better each time. This year was no exception.

Ornaments appear on our tree given to us by our guests. The theme is anything on your person, in your car or found. I find a baby shoe with a message inside.

First… Why do we call it the Upside Down Party? It is named that because we hang the tree from the ceiling, and we have been doing this long before it became fashionable to do so.  Yes, it is a real tree.  Regular attendees  know— our guests decorate the tree with anything …. on their person, in their car or found.  So walking around the tree to see what has been put on it or on the garland that we have strung on the wall to accommodate the extra ornaments is very intriguing.

My favorite ornaments this year were a baby shoe with a message, a beer bottle, a receipt from the Renaissance Festival, and the destuffed dog toy that was in the yard.

Along with the tree there are other interesting and fun things to see, starting with the magical land of the Upside Down Christmas tree, which many say is transformed, contains fairies, and is like nothing they have seen  before.  Twinkle lights are lit ,the fire pit is going, and people are eating, and mingling all over the studio, yard and around the ponds and fire.

The Skidmore family won the prize for tackiest sweater or costume.

There was a contest for the most creative Christmas outfit (or ugly Christmas sweater) This coveted title was won by not one person but an entire family who had their own twinkle lights that blinked as they came through the party.

Another hit from the party came from Diliberto Photo & Design ( who not only was showing their work, but provided a live photo booth for the event.  What is a live photo booth? Think red carpet, lights and props.   One guest said they felt like a star.  To see all of the photographs from the live photo booth visit their Facebook Page . And take note that they are having a contest and choosing a New Year’s Eve party to shoot, it is free. Check out the details here.

Photographer Christian Sizemore from Diliberto Photo Design and Host Bridgette Mongeon get together for laughs in the live photo booth

There were many artists showing their work or hosting this years party, of course I was there
Bridgette Mongeon (
My lovely husband didn’t show work this time, but he did host the party and deserves a mention here Mike De La Flor (

Lloyd Ernstes was showing jewelry. Sorry we don’t have a website for Lloyd.
Bruce Foster ( had his pop up books that as Christina Sizemore described, are “pop up books on steroids.” His work is incredible and his newest book “Puff the Magic Dragon” has just been featured in the New York Times
Kit Allen ( was exhibiting some of his painting.

My favorite part of the night is the time when I can sit down and enjoy the fire, but that didn’t happen until very late.

I certainly don’t know how we will top this party next time.  Guess we will have to see how that happens.

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