Waiting Is Honoring

I also want to wait from one commission to the next as it feels more honoring to my subject. Sometimes one commission will overlap the other in some aspects of the sculpting. For example Patsy and Lucas.
Most of that “Peter Pan” stage comes within the face of the individual, though there is a great deal of knowing in the pose and posture of my subject as well.
You will see as I work on the sculpture of Dick that I will create the head separate from the body. When I feel I have reached the “Peter Pan” stage with the head I may proceed to work with another commission. As of this date both Lucas’ and Jeanine’s face have been approved. Lucas’ body should be approved soon and then both commissions will go to the next stage of the bronze process-the mold making. That is a mechanical process and requires no feeling or emotion from the artist. All of this means that it is a perfect time for me to begin Dick.