You Will See More Illustration On This Blog In Months To Come

I used Poser to pose the little girl in a jumping pose. It is like using a mannequin but much better. Then I traced over this in photoshop adding the details and clothing. I brought the entire thing into Illustrator and inked it. I have always liked inking so this was fun. There is still some work I would like to do on the inking.

In the next couple of months I will be designating some of my time in my graduate studies to illustration. For those of you who don’t know, I am in graduate school. This is my final working semester. I have two tracks in a Master of Fine Arts in interdisciplinary arts program at Goddard College in Vermont. The first is a writing track. For this part next semester I will be editing my novel.

The other part is an art track, which, up to this point, has been in sculpting both digital and traditional. But since I met the required 19 hours needed to be able to teach this I have a semester to play. I have many children’s books that I have written but I have not done anything with them because they are not illustrated. As an artist I have a hard time sending them off to someone else to do- though I am considering working with my husband who is also an artist, on one or two. So this semester I will be dabbling in illustration. It is something I did years ago. We are talking about 20+ years ago, and at that point I did it sparsely. So here is my new years adventure-illustration.

In light of that I am ramping up. Here are the steps that I took in doing a recent illustration.

Here is a quick color sketch done in Photoshop. I wanted to play with the idea of color, a new thing to me as a sculptor and the brushes. I’m not sure this is the final version. But I like it.


Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter


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