2 New Book Projects!

Humpty Dumpty is created in the computer, will be 3D printed as a small sculpture and embedded in the scene. He is just one of the 150 hidden elements.

I have already started on another book project. This new project I’m tentatively calling  Finding Alice- Process Book.  It is similar to the 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling. Instead of focusing on the work of many artists it is primarily the process of creating this one particular sculpture. I’m delighted to be mixing up so many different types of technology and pushing the limits with Alice and her friends. I think Charles Dodgson (alias Lewis Carroll) would be proud. He was a mathematician. Using digital technology is math.  There is some fun things in the book, thanks to everyone who is helping from the 3D printing to the posing and more.

The scene has changed a great deal from this original digital model. Follow along on the Finding Alice page on Facebook or Bridgette Mongeon’s blog

The second book project is titled Finding Alice-Field Guide. As the press on the project states, if you go to the sculpture and all of the seats are taken at the bronze tea party, do not dismay. You can begin to look for the 150 different elements hidden in the bronze. This second book written in rhyme, riddle etc is a field guide to understanding and finding all of the 150 elements. You may need the process book and an understanding of Lewis Carroll to know them all.  Still looking for the correct publisher for this book. I’m not sure it is the right fit for the publisher of  3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling.

Traditional and digital processes. Sculpting the small maquette before scanning it to go into the computer.

These two books will be out in 2017 as I need to finish the sculpture first. Still have two other books 3/4 of the way done and inspired by others.  Ah my two loves. Sculpting and writing, they do vie for my attention.

For hints on the 150 items follow this blog or the Finding Alice Page on Facebook. 

The media and press pages have much more information about this sculpture project.

Here is a wonderful podcast that talks about the books. Thanks to Tom and Tracy for the interview.

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