A Challenge For Bill Geist of Sunday Morning

A digital model of March Hare. This model will be milled to 8 feet tall. Then the artist will carve the foam and add clay. What hidden elements will we find in the March Hare and his stump?

CBS Sunday Morning
Bill Geist,

I would like to invite you to come and hide something in my monumental bronze sculpture that I am making of the Mad Hatter Tea Party for a Texas Park. Yes, you will make your mark forever captured in bronze. If you prefer you can bring a grandchild to create something to hide. ( Please note this offer is not open to the general public. The only other people working on this sculpture is me and my interns. ) I’m hiding 150 elements of the story in the scene of the Mad Hatter Tea Party before it is turned into bronze. Come be creative and take part in helping me develop this treasure hunt.

You must be “curious.” Join me in creating this incredible piece of bronze art that will last long after we are gone. I’m looking forward to celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Alice in Wonderland with you.
Don’t worry, not all of the hidden elements are 3D printed and embedded into the clay before it goes to bronze. I can give you some clay to create something fun, I’ll even help you if you need it. Of course this celebrates the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland so you might want to brush up on the story a bit to find something to sculpt. I’ll even let you place your hidden object in the large Mad Hatter scene, but I ask that the camera’s not divulge the place we put it and you must not tell a soul, as it is, after all, a treasure hunt.
So Bill do you accept the challenge?

Please let me know.
Here is a link to a press release about the project
And… if you would like to see a video of the art the concept and the process  that incorporates traditional sculpting and digital technology here is a video that explains how that is happening. ( Yes, We will be using 3D printing on a monumental bronze, no Bill, you won’t have to work on the computer to do this, unless you want to.)
Looking forward to your response.
Bridgette Mongeon


Option 2.
I will 3d scan your face using just photographs – Yes, it is all apart of some of the crazy technology and math combined with traditional sculpture that is involved with this project. I’ll use a program such as 123D catch which is free for  anyones phone.  I have done this with a friend which you can see the results here.  He will be one of the 3 naves that paint the roses red. If you did not want to sculpt one of the 150 items and would prefer to do this, I would be happy to immortalize you in bronze.Pick a nave and an expression. You would actually be perfect for this. I could use the digital scan of your face and attach it to the sculpting that I do of these naves, and then 3D print the image and add it to the scene before it is turned into a bronze sculpture. Then just like that you are a part of the sculpture captured forever in bronze.

Complicated? Not really, but it is my challenge to introduce others not just to the story of Alice, literature, and fine art, but the wonders of incorporating digital technology in fine art as I featured in my last book.  Check out the video to see how else I use digital technology in my traditional sculpting.

So, are you up for the challenge?

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