A Delay On Podcasting And The Instructional Video

I have long loved Libsyn as a server for my podcasts. In fact I love it so much I’m in the process of creating a detailed free video on creating your own podcasts. There has been a bit of a delay in both the podcast and the video. Recently Libsyn upgraded to offer all sorts of fancy new features. Both the Art and Technology podcast as well as the Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christians podcast have had to be migrated to the new service. And then I had to learn how to use the new version, before I could attempt to tell anyone else. Well, I hope all of the bugs are worked out.

I’m also thrilled to find out that one of the things they added are players for the podcasts. These can be embedded right on your site. Which I will do in the near future.

I’m not sure if I can embed them in this blog post.  I’ll see.

UPDATE 2020 Visit this part of the website to see the players. https://creativesculpture.com/videos-podcasts/

Yes, it looks like they work. You can even mouse over menu in the bottom right corner and see all of the episodes. So cool. Well back to getting caught up on uploading podcasts and the video.

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