National Sculpture Society – “Hand Versus Computer”

I’m delighted that the National Sculpture Society invited me to participate in education at the National Sculpture Society Conference June 26-28, 2015.

In 2007/2008 I wrote an article about combining traditional and digital technology called Exploring Digital Technologies as Applied to Traditional Sculpture and a sidebar on Shan Gray’s sculpture The American . The magazine that I wrote this for is Sculpture Review – a publication of the National Sculpture Society.  All those years ago  I was working on a degree combining 3D technology in fine art. This type of degree was not even heard of and would not have been possible without the support of Goddard College Master of Fine Art in Interdisciplinary Arts degree.   Eight years later, my book titled 3D Technology In Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling by Focal Press is being published, and I’m headed to the National Sculpture Society Conference to discuss these topics.

I’ll be participating in the conference in  Philadelphia  on a panel- “Hand versus Computer.” I’m accompanied by some incredible artists.

The panel consists of Sabine Howard, George NistaSimon Indrele, Sandis Kondrats, Jim Licaretz, and me  Bridgette Mongeon.  Once again, I’m the only female on a panel talking about technology.   Tuck Langland  will be moderating the panel.  

Bridgette's book on 3D technology
Bridgette Mongeon’s Book pre-order December 2014 release June 2015

Though the Society Conference has me listed for the book signing, my book won’t be ready. It is coming out in Sept, but is available for pre-order on Amazon. So, technically I won’t be able to participate in the book signing. However, when I’m not on the panel, I’ll be in the vendor area. I’ll be talking about the process of creating the Grambling State Tiger featured in the book, the many different technologies and the artists that I featured in the book. Of course, I’ll also be talking about my new book and art project of  Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Tea Party.  This new project is pushing the combination of art and technology to the max. Check out the video below or on YouTube.   My time in the vendor area will be like my interactions at 3D Printer World Expo 2015, 2014.

Thank you Focal Press for believing it is time for this type of book.It took a long time to convince a publisher to publish a book on the topic of art and technology. I also want to thank them for supplying me with a sample of the book prior to the release date so that I can have it for this conference. The book is available on Amazon but, the actual release of the book is September 2015.
There is still time to register for the conference.  Also stay tuned. I’m trying to podcast with some of the participants from the conference for the art and technology podcasts.  I’ll either do this before if we can fit it in or after. But, as always, keep checking the book’s website as I podcast monthly with those working with art and technology. You are also welcome to use the podcast episodes on your website or ezine.
If you are going to the conference and want to set up a fireside chat around some drinks or a meal, I’d love to organize one.  Just let me know.  We did this at 3D Printer World Expo and those participating  found it helpful.  And as usual you can share your own work on 3D tech and fine art projects and questions on both LinkedIn and Facebook. I’ll be glad to help!

See you in Philly!

Call For Artists, Authors And Others To Interview For Podcasts

Bridgette Mongeon talk on art and technology

Bridgette Mongeon has been  host of two podcasts since 2008.  Through the years the Inspiration/Generation and Creative Christian podcast  has covered a variety of topics and many different authors.  The topics are varied.  Some topics are heavy and deal with psychological issues, some have an element of comedy or fun.  Other topics are  books that the host or co has have read that have really resonated with them. Then there have some very difficult topics such as an atheist and a Christian in marriage.  If you think your book or aspirations fit our format we would love to hear from you. You can reach us through the contact form on the podcast blog. You must note that this podcast is has an inspirational/Christian format. To learn more and to see if you are a good fit peruse our podcast blog. You can see our entire list of topic by searching the pages by year.

When you contact us please indicate “possible podcast guest” in the subject line and give us  some details about how you fit our format.

Topics of personal interest:

  • Topics that help individuals overcome
  • Topics and guests that support love in the face of extreme differences
  • Creativity and Spirituality
  • Business Creativity and Spirituality
  • Writing and Art

Our podcasts are heard through ITunes, the blog and Facebook. Eacb guest also receives a link to their podcast. This link may be placed anywhere, on a website, facebook or a blog.  The link brings up a separate audio browser with the guests podcast interview.  The Inspiration/Generations podcasts and Creative Christians Podcast have been downloaded 23,000 times to date.  The podcasts are sponsored by the God’s Word Collectible Gift series. If you are interested in sponsoring the podcasts please contact us through the contact form.

Inspiration Generations podcast by sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with co hose Christina Sizemore.
creative Christians logo for podcast

Moving Your Podcasts to YouTube

To move my podcasts to YouTube it is a little time consuming but here is my process.

A screenshot of my imovie with my podcast audio and pictures. Click on this picture and a larger picture will come up showing the details of this imovie

CREATING Please note: I work on a Mac
I already have the audio created for the podcasts because they are published.  The prepublished audio clips are in my itunes on my desktop. I drag them into I movie.  Imovie, itunes and garage band, which are used to edit my podcasts and movies are all free programs that come standard with any Mac. The green bands in I movie is the podcast. (Click on the image below and you will see a larger image. Note the picture on the right of the screen is what you see when the curser is over a particular section in the movie. The upper window holds previous clips from a different project. The main Imovie rests in the larger screen on the bottom of the Imovie window.)   Now, I just have to add as many visuals that I can to take up the time on the movie.  I have opted for a photograph of both my guest Robin Brande and myself. I have put our names on the top of the screen, because I was afraid that they would get lost when closed captions were used. I also put photographs of my sculptures, our sponsor is God’s Word Collectibles and this gave me a place to show off the collectibles. Something I don’t get to do with an audio podcast. She mentions another author’s book and I found an image of that and put it in there as well.  I felt that trying to break up the continuous photograph of her and I was better.  The blue line that you see in the track above the photographs is really the copy that is placed over the images.

As I understand it YouTube has allowed longer videos to be loaded .  For a long time it was only minutes then it went to 10 or 15 minutes. This was a huge thing for me because my podcasts, at minimum are 20 minutes and this one is much longer.  I think there are ways that you can become a partner and get them to allow you to put up longer videos, but in my search I heard that if you have had an account that is in good standing, which I think means that you actually own the material you are putting up  and get hits, then you “might” be able to put up a longer video.  I went ahead and created it, crossed my fingers and uploaded and indeed, I must have an account in good standing, because it allowed me to do it.

You can see this video on my Sculptorwriter you tube channel or in the previous post New direction for me concerning YouTube

YouTube now offers closed captions, and this is very important. To see the importance and how to edit closed captions please see the next post Editing Closed Captions in YouTube

I alternate the picture of my guest and myself with photographs of her book covers.

New Direction For Me Concerning YouTube

The other day I wanted to listen to a lecture on the neurology and faith/ belief, yes that is what I do in my spare time.  Actually it is research for yet another book. I always have a couple of book projects going. Anyway, there was a podcast that I found on YouTube and it hit me, yes there were neural connections in my own brain that began to fire and I wondered, Can I do that with my podcasts?

I have three different podcasts— the Art and Technology Podcasts covers a wide range of interests for me concerning my endeavors with bridging the gap between the traditional sculpture studio and new technology. I expect to do more podcasts on these subjects in the near future as I am going to start a new book on the topic, more on that later.

The Creative Christian Podcast and the Inspirations Generations Podcasts are two podcasts that I have been doing, 3 a month, since 2008.  At first it was a dialogue between my mother, my daughter and I, as well as interviews with special guests like Ruth Graham, Dr. Gary Chapman, and Scott Hamilton.  Then it changed. It always seems to reflect my life events.  When mother died we covered a lot on grief and mother loss, when beginning my novel I added the Creative Christians Podcast and talked to authors and writers. The topics range from atheism to publishing with Christian publishers like Zondervan.

I was intrigued with the idea to put a podcast on YouTube. I have had a Sculptorwriter YouTube page for a few years and yesterday I put up my first podcast.  Note:

  • Video is much more viral than podcasts.
  • My gift line God’s Word Collectibles is the sponsor of the series. Video allows me to show the work.
  • With the new closed captions that are now a part of YouTube, the podcast is also searchable by search engines, which helps me with my marketing.  I also love the idea that deaf people will have access to my podcasts.
  • You tube offers auto transcriptions- I have wanted to transcribe all of the podcasts, but it is very difficult and time consuming and not an investment that I am  willing to make right now.

So here is my first podcast that I created as a YouTube.  If you would like to see how it was done and the details on using and editing your closed captions please look at the next posts titled Moving your Podcasts to YouTube- and Using and Editing Closed Captions in YouTube

Please note, when you watch this video, if you turn on closed captions- by pressing the cc on the bottom of the screen, I have only edited the first 5-7 minutes of the captions. After that… well let me just say that the automated transcriptions that YouTube closed captions provides leaves something to be desired, but it is a place to start and I am  thankful for Google and YouTube for thinking of it.

My Life is lived Through Podcasts!

It is true. I have been podcasting for 3 years now. I have 3 different podcasts that I record.

The Creative Christian Podcast and the Inspiration Generations podcast gives me a chance to focus on different things that I am interested in, especially those that relate to my faith. Because I am also a writer I focus on writing topics in these podcasts as well.
I thought I would include links to some of my most recent podcasts

Malcolm Guite
Poet, singer and Songwriter Malcolm Guite has podcasted with me before. In this podcast he talks about the the ” The Great O” Antiphons and Advent.

The Advent Conspiracy
I have been very interested in doing Christmas a bit differently this year and thought about how that would look. Apparently I’m not the only one as The Advent Conspiracy is a movement that is taking hold throughout the world.  I enjoyed talking to Tony Biaggne about this in our 109th podcast

I recently lost my father. This was my last surviving parent and has put me into a position of being an adult orphan. When I heard the term I thought it was a stupid and strange label, but as I enter this time in my life, I realize it is a transformative time.  I’m spending time with other exploring this.  Alicia King is also an adult orphan and has written much about grief. In this podcast number 108 we share our experiences and talk about this transformation.

ART AND TECHNOLOGY The Art and Technology Podcasts have been on hold for a while. They were used as part of my gradate study. I do believe I will ramp up the Art and Technology podcast again after the first of the year, as I am going to focus on a new book project. More details on that later.

If you are interested in seeing the Art and Technology Podcasts you can see them on the Digital website.

Podcasts Update We Have Reached 100 Podcasts!

Podcasting with Bridgette Mongeon
Podcasting takes a little investment of time and money but is worth it!Many of you know I have three podcasts. The Art and Technology Podcast which can be found on the Digital website. I have not been as active with this podcast over the last few months due to graduate school, but I expect that will soon change, and I will begin interviewing on that podcast on a regular basis once again.


Then there are my other podcasts-Creative Christian and Inspirations Generations.  I have committed to doing three of these every month and I am happy to say our next podcast will be podcast number 100. Yes, we have recorded 100 podcasts!


For those of you who are interested you can listen to the Inspiration Generations and Creative Christian podcasts in several areas.

In itunes, or through the blog.  You an also listen from the Facebook Fans Page. I would like to encourage everyone to go to facebook and “like” our Facebook Fans Page.

The blog is associated with my God’s Word Collectible sculpture series, in fact, they have been the sponsor of the podcast over the last few years.  The blog is nice because it lets you see pictures of those we are interviewing, gives further information on the interviews, links and much more.


We have interviewed so many people over the last 100 podcasts including Olympic Gold medal winner Scott Hamilton, Author of the Love Languages Books Dr. Chapman,  And even Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s daughter. We have recorded outside of the United States to England with singer-songwriter Malcom Guite, Brother David from Taize, France and Budapest about the Resurrection Sunday Dance.

If you would like to see a list of all of our podcasts I have kept one going and it can be found on this portion of the God’s Word website.  You can click on the links to get to the podcasts from there.


Oh, and I am making the podcasts available for anyone who would like to post them on their site. There is a link on each blog post that allows you to imbed the podcast on your own blog or website. If you should not see a link, let me know and I’ll get you one. When someone will click on the link on your website it brings up another browser with the podcast, in other words, by adding these podcast links to your blog posts and website your site now become a multi media website.  How cool is that?

The subjects that I cover in the podcast usually tend to go along with what others ask of me or my own personal journey in life. My mother and daughter began this podcast with me.  Our stories are on the host bio page.  My daughter still joins me from time to time. Mother’s invovlement is limited to her journals and our memories as she passed away, but was so excited about this last ministry in her life, it lives on and so do her words.

When mother died she had some incredible experiences with visits from deceased loved ones. This corresponded with music that we were playing at the time. I spoke to the group Strand of Pearls in an interview and told them thank you for this profound experience. After mother’s death we talked a lot about mother loss.  Then we added the Creative Christian podcast. I wanted to talk to other creative people, find out about their journey.  Recently, as I have just finished my first young adult novel, I have been talking with authors, agents, and others, especially as it pertains to controversial topics, as my book has that twist to it.

Also, recently my husband entered the podcast with our very personal discussions of an Athiest husband and a Christian wife. We have recorded two podcasts about that subject and have a few more planned.

I would like to encourage you to take a listen to the podcasts, subscribe to the blog or to the podcasts in itunes, or even post and share the podcasts on your own websites, blogs or Facebook pages.  And please, if they have touched you in any way, let us know.

Our last few podcasts are as follows.

INSPIRATIONS_0099 Creative Christians- Evolution and Christianity

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to author Robin Brande about Christians who believe in evolution. Robin is the author of the young adult book Evolution, Me and Other Freaks of Nature.

Inspirations_0098 Creative Christians- Interview with Sara Zarr

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to author Sara Zarr about novels,  crisis of faith, family and what Christian teens are looking for in publishing.

Inspirations_0097 Creative Christians- Novel Metamorphosis

Host Bridgette Mongeon interviews author Darcy Pattison about her workshops and her book, Novel Metamorphosis. Together they explore the uncommon ways to revise a novel and how to do it in a workshop or with a small group.

Inspirations_0096 Creative Christians- Questions about publishing for Christian authors

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with literary agent Chip MacGregor about the changes in publishing for Christian authors and the guidelines of publishing. Can Christian Authors cross over from Christian publishing to secular? How is secular publishing changing to accommodate a Christian message?

Inspirations_0095 Dance Your Shoes Off

November of 2010 we podcasted with Budapest about their Resurrection Sunday Dance.They spoke about their viral video and how they hoped to encourage people from all over the world dance as a flash mob. Steven Seelig of Second Baptist Church- Houston was influenced by this and decided to create a flash mob dance. 2000 members of Second Baptist Church-Houston danced in the park, in fact they danced their shoes off. The shoes were collected and distributed to those in need.

A Delay On Podcasting And The Instructional Video

I have long loved Libsyn as a server for my podcasts. In fact I love it so much I’m in the process of creating a detailed free video on creating your own podcasts. There has been a bit of a delay in both the podcast and the video. Recently Libsyn upgraded to offer all sorts of fancy new features. Both the Art and Technology podcast as well as the Inspirations/Generations podcast and the Creative Christians podcast have had to be migrated to the new service. And then I had to learn how to use the new version, before I could attempt to tell anyone else. Well, I hope all of the bugs are worked out.

I’m also thrilled to find out that one of the things they added are players for the podcasts. These can be embedded right on your site. Which I will do in the near future.

I’m not sure if I can embed them in this blog post.  I’ll see.

UPDATE 2020 Visit this part of the website to see the players.

Yes, it looks like they work. You can even mouse over menu in the bottom right corner and see all of the episodes. So cool. Well back to getting caught up on uploading podcasts and the video.

Do You Want To Learn To Podcast?

Podcasting with Bridgette Mongeon
Podcasting takes a little investment of
time and money but is worth it!

Over the years, I have had many different people ask me, “How do you podcast?”   Some are professionals that see the advantages of podcasting, others are ministries that would like to use podcasting to expand their influence and reach out to others.

Why podcast?

Recently someone asked me, “What are the advantages to podcasting?”  First I think it gives you access to many different resources within the fields that you are interested.  Like writing, it portrays you as an expert in your field.  And it is a wonderful way to get a message across, or help with marketing your product.  It is also an educational tool.

How to podcast?
That is a good question. My podcasts began and morphed into what they are now. They were developed through trial and error.  Because I am an educator at heart, I wanted to pass on this information to others.  I have always been the person who has said, “show me what you have done, Then I can do it myself.” I am preparing a how -to video on podcasting.  In it, I will take you through the process step-by step.  I expect it to be available within a month or so.

Who are the guests?
It is great to be able to talk to so many people all over the world.  The guests for a podcast can be a neighbor, someone in your church, or aim high and ask whomever you choose.  We have received interviews from as far away as Australia, France, and England.  Meeting new people and hearing about what they are doing is one of the best parts of podcasting.

Inspiration Generations podcast by sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with co hose Christina Sizemore.
Inspiration Generation
Podcast was our first podcast.
Three generations of Christian
women share their thoughts
about different issues and aspects of life.


A Ministry
Podcasting started as a ministry for me.  A home bound almost invalid mother ministered from her chair in her assisted living facility through phone conversations with her daughter, myself, and granddaughter. Inspirations/Generations – Three Generations of Christian Women Share their thoughts about different issues and aspects of life.  What was just conversations between three women on different topics turned into interviews with such people as Dr. Gary Chapman, Ruth Graham, Olympic Gold medal winner Scott Hamilton, and many others.

creative Christians logo for podcast
The Creative Christians podcast
morphed from the Inspirations/Generations

Mother passed August 17 of 2009, but the podcasts continued.  The dynamics changed a bit, and new things were added.

Sparked by my own intrigue and research into the creative process, we introduced The Creative Christian’s Podcast.  Again interviewing some incredible people and adding a regular interview with Dr. Suz a psychologist dealing with Creative and Inspirational issues.


Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon is the host of Art and Technology podcast
Art and Technology podcast-
A fireside chat where art
and technology meet.

I was  promoted by my own intirigue and graduate study to start the  Art and Technology Podcast.  – A Fire Side Chat where art and technology meet. I have enjoyed exploring the different aspects of this topic and I look forward to what the future holds for this podcast.

Podcasting does take a little bit of time, very little money, and without some training, the learning curve can be grueling. But you will have my videos to help, and you will soon be experience the many advantages and adventures of podcasting.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker.  Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

New Art and Technology Podcast- A Discussion About Living Art With Sculptor Oron Catts

Oron Catts from SymboticA

An Interview with Sculptor Oron Catts – A discussion about living art.
Art and Technology 0007

LISTEN NOW from your browser

Oron Catts is the director of SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia.  SymbtioticA is laboratory that is “dedicated to the research, learning, critique and hands on engagement with the life sciences.”  Catts is also co founder of The Tissue Culture & Arts Project (TC&A).

In this podcast the interviewer Bridgette Mongeon and Oron Catts discuss the artwork Victimless Leather, living tissue that is grown in a laboratory that resembles skin.

This is a very charged topic.  Introduction to the art and SymbioticA may cause some to gasp.  Some of the interviewers questions were first raised in the article Frankensteinian Art?

This topic will be the first of 4 that will be featured in an online per group study.  If you are a student, professor, or scientist who would like to participate in this online dialogue for the month of September contact the podcast host. The online discussion is by invitation only.  The participation with be held through an online forum with others around the world.  More information to follow

* Listen to the podcast from our podcast player on the nav bar at Digital
* The direct link to this podcast segment- should you want to put it on your website or blog

The Art and Technology Podcast listen from the Digital website or Subscribe to the podcast in itunes

If you are reading this blog post from facebook and do not see the videos and or photographs visit

“Victimless Leather” by the Tissue Culture and Arts Project


Art And Technology Podcast- Digital Scanning And Traditional Sculpture

An Interview With Dan Gustafson Next Engine Scanner and Traditional Sculptor Mark Byrd
Art and Technology 0006

Dan Gustafson- Marketing Director at NextEngine-3d Scanners

LISTEN NOW from your browser

Using digital technology such as scanning and milling in the traditional art studio is what I refer to as Tra-digi art. Dan Gustafson of the NextEngine Scanner and Traditional Sculptor Mark Byrd spend time with me talking about using the NextEngine scanner in the creating of life size traditional bronze sculptures. What are the advantages of using the scanner? What are the pitfalls to watch out for when incorporating this technology in your own studio?
Some of these concepts of digital scanning and printing were featured in chapter 7 of the Mudbox book.

* Listen to the podcast from our podcast player on the nav bar at Digital
* The direct link to this podcast segment- should you want to put it on your website or blog

More photographs to come

The Art and Technology Podcast listen from the Digital website or Subscribe to the podcast in itunes

If you are reading this blog post from facebook and do not see the videos and or photographs visit
