A New Book Proposal

I just sent a new book proposal to the publisher.  Art and Technology- Exploration of resources and advancements in digital sculpting, printing, milling and scanning. I know, I am just able to breath after fishing Digital Sculpting with Mudbox Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists.

I’m also knee deep in the Art and Technology podcast and the new website at http://www.digitalsculpting.net

The new book project is terribly exciting.  It will feature a great deal of the research I am doing on this subject for my graduate studies.  As I stated in the book proposal.

Art and Technology- Exploration of resources and advancements in digital sculpting, printing, milling and scanning. Finally, a resource guide for understanding and accessing tools in digital printing, milling and scanning. This technology is not just for manufacturing or engineering but can be embraced by designers, traditional and graphic artists who want to utilize these technologies in their creativity and in their workflow. This resource breaks down the process and possibilities for artists.

This book helps to inspire, as artists can see what others have created and push their imagination utilizing new technology. The technology can help save artists time and help artists create in ways that have never been conceivable until this time. Inspiration- strengthens your creativity and enlarges your artistic tool set.

I should know something in two – three weeks.

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