A Wonderful New Printer!

The internet is a wonderful resource for getting people to see your artwork, but having printed samples is also a vital marketing tool for an artist. I had been searching for a good and reasonable printer. At first I came upon vista print, but read so many things about their billing more to accounts than was necessary that I decided to stay clear of them. It was also important that I keep my printing here in the United States. I spent weeks evaluating different printers. I even signed up for one of those pages were other bid on your printing. I had so many bids coming in it was difficult to keep them all straight. Jenny Gilchrest (jenny@colorprintingcentral.com) at Color Printing Central Jenny e mailed me with an advertisement on the bottom of her contact email about business cards, “buy two get the third free.” So I created three different business card designs and got 3,000 business cards for around$100. Great deal! My husband says I’ll never use 3,000 business cards. He may be correct, but I’ll look forward to proving him wrong. I also had a postcard printed about my marketing workshop. There is much more printing that needs to be done for marketing and the office, but I know that I have found a printer that I am satisfied with and that I can recommend to other artists. Great job Color Printing central!

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