Free Webinars/Workshops on Marketing

marketing in the arts

Thursday May 28
7:00 Central Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Marketing in the Arts- Workshop 1- Clarifying direction and defining your market.

Register in advance for this webinar. There are only 100 spots available. CLICK HERE

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

A determination, and willingness to advance, and paper and pen. There will be homework.

I have presented these incredibly motivating and focused workshops for years, for many different audiences. When covid-19 came, I thought this might be an excellent opportunity to learn how to do webinars via the web.

It took me a month to not only figure how to create an online webinar, but I have been distracted by redoing my marketing. I’m rebuilding a new website and rebranding. This website, as you can see, is very, very old. The new one is looking spectacular, but with so much content, it is taking some time.

The marketing webinar/workshop is for those small businesses that desire ways to learn more and get focused on their goals. Though I present it for those in the arts, the audience is broader. I have three webinars scheduled, but I have other professionals in marketing that want to join and share information. If it goes well and people are interested, we will do more.


  • You are my test group. I have wanted to do online webinars for years, and I’m practicing on you.
  • Marketing is about exposure. Doing these workshops gives me more exposure.
  • I’m also a writer. When looking for an agent or a publisher for my new books, they will ask, “show us your platform.” Doing this gives me a bigger platform.
  • I seek your comments. When you take this workshop and do the work, you will be empowered and see possibilities. I want to hear about that excitement. Please send me a comment on how the workshops helped you; this will help me to promote them.

As you see, though they are free, I get a lot out of them. I do have a pay pal me, should anyone want to drop a donation for the workshops. Anything helps. The Zoom webinar platform costs me about fifty dollars a month, and I hope to recoup that in donations. It is effortless. Send whatever you like to: h

What Is A Work Station/Studio?

Someone recently asked if they could see how others set up their work station. I have always been intrigued with seeing pictures of other people’s studios as well. In light of that, I am posting my work spaces.

Computer work is done in my office, separate from the traditional studio.

This is where I spend 98% of my life. Yes, I have a life, but I love what I do. The space is divided up into quadrants really. Upstairs is office, downstairs is studio and inspiration.  I love my yard and have lots of animal company at the studio while I work.  For more on that, look at the pictures below.

We built our office/studio behind our home a 40′ commute

Oh yes, there is one more space, but I won’t show it. You see I’m a writer, and I do my best writing in bed.  So on with the creative spaces.

Sometimes I have to work both inside and out. The porch is great for things like working on the foam of the panther.
As long as it is not too hot, and the project is not that big, I can work on the studio porch.
The inside of the studio is where I get wild and crazy and use power tools!
sometimes I surround myself with nothing but portraits
Here is one of my favorite studio companions Tilly. She comes and knocks on the back door in the morning and is a joy to my heart.
It is important to have “thoughtful” places.
Once a year, everything is cleaned up so that we can have an upside Down Christmas Party. Nighttime at the upside down Christmas party is magical and my favorite part of the evening.
Sometimes, in the morning, I just sit on the studio porch and contemplate work.

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

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Follow me on Facebook

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Finding and Hiring a Sculptor – Compare Apples With Apples

Finding and Hiring a Sculptor – Compare Apples With Apples
By Bridgette Mongeon  2012 ©

15 or 20 years ago the only way to find a sculptor was through a gallery. Now, with the Internet, it is much easier to find a sculptor for commissioned artwork. After finding a selection of artists, what is the criteria that a collector should use to select one artist for a project?

How to find a sculptor
Searching the Internet for artists is pretty simple. A search for “sculptors”, may be too broad, and narrowing the search by using location or subject, or even style: “Houston, Texas Sculptors”, “Sculptor of Children, or realistic bronze sculptor” may assist in the process.

With a handful of artists to choose from, the following questions can help in narrowing a collectors search:

Is the work appealing?
The first criteria a collector should use to decide on a sculptor is how they feel about the artists sculpting style. Many artists website have sculpture galleries where potential clients can explore more of the sculptor’s work. Is the sculptor’s artwork similar to the style desired for the potential project?

A collector has a choice of seasoned-professional or a budding artist. A collector may prefer the value added to artwork when created by a seasoned and collected artist. Some collectors select a budding  sculptor because of a limited budget or a desire to assist the artist’s career. A collector can get a feel for the experience of a sculptor by floating through the sculptor’s website. However, there are still many seasoned sculptors who have not taken to the Internet and do not have Internet representation. A Google name search of the preferred artists may reveal further information. Online articles or interviews may help a collector get a better sense of the person behind the sculptor.

Getting along with an artist is an essential element of commissioning them to create a piece of artwork for your home, company or loved one. Are they easy going? Are they going to listen to a clients input? How do they work with changes? Do they ask questions? Do they go above and beyond for time and presentations?

Type of work
There are some sculptors who prefer not to sculpt children, or do not like doing posthumous sculpture. Not liking the subject matter has to affect the outcome of the sculpture.

As the client reviews the work that the sculptor has done, if the potential project is different from anything else in the sculptor’s portfolio, ask the sculptor how they feel about it. They may not have a sample similar to the potential project, but the sculptor may be waiting for the opportunity that your project holds.

Their workload
Some sculptors may be an absolute perfect fit, but their schedule may not fit into the time frame of your project. If the collector hopes to get the work completed in a designated amount of time, this may be a prime factor on who to use.

This may or may not be an issue for a collector. If a collector wants to watch the project and visit the artist studio for approval, then having a local artist might be something that they desire. But there are advantages to having an out of state sculptor, as well. One advantage is that the sculptor may not have to charge sales tax on the project. With a hefty commission, this could be a considerable amount of money.

In some cases, location is not a problem. Sculptors work with collectors all over the world. Files, photographs and videos can be sent to the client for approval. A blog on the progress is also a solution, that way, the collector can follow the progress of the sculptor.

The sculptor will want to narrow down your thought process before trying to create a final design. If the client requires preliminary sketches, how many are expected?

Is a pencil sketch of the life-size sculpture sufficient? Some collectors prefer a clay maquette. A clay maquette has the same look, as the large sculpture but is a small tabletop version. Some artists create maquettes as part of their process of sculpting, others will charge for the maquette. Some artist may provide pencil sketches and still others may provide digital models giving the collector a 360 degree view of the potential project.

Artists charge different prices. The actual cost of creating a bronze is costly; the sculptor’s sculpting fee adds to the cost and will determine the different prices sculptors charge. If a collector wants to compare estimates from different sculptors, be sure each has the same information, that way you are comparing apples with apples.

Here are some thoughts and questions to get a collector started on the process. The artist may help the collector figure out someone of these details.

  • Is the collector looking for a life-size sculpture, a larger monument, or a small figurine?
  • Be descriptive when asking for a portrait bust. There are several sizes including shoulder and neck or larger. Some portrait busts include the chest.
  • It is important to give each artist a good description of what the collector would like. Include the size of the sculpture or figure. Don’t just say, “I want a life-size sculpture of my son.” Say, “I’m seeking a life size sculpture of my son at the age that he is now, which is 15, he is 5’ tall and slender in build, I’m attaching a photograph for you to see.” What clothing does the figure wear? The good rule of thumb is the more mass on a sculpture the more bronze it will take and, therefore, the more the sculpture will cost. So, if the sculpture is of a man and he has a beard and a cloak, that is more money than a clean-shaven man in a suite. Are there other elements to the sculpture? Remember more bronze equals more cost. Is the figure to sit on a bench? Will they be riding a bronze bike, swinging on a bronze swing, or balancing on a bronze log?
  • Where will this sculpture be placed?
  • Is it going to be installed indoors or outdoors?
  • Will the sculpture be flat on the ground, if not, do you envision a bronze base, wood or marble?
  • In addition to the above items you may want to ask the artist, does your prices include all charges? Such additional costs may consist of:
  • The artists expenses for travel. Sales tax or other taxes Installation
  • Shipping, crating and delivery. If you need prices for this, please be sure to give the artist the shipping address, so they can calculate it properly.

How does the artist receive payments? What are their payment terms?

Does the artist have a contract? Once you specify all of the above they will send you a contract to sign.

Is this a one of a kind sculpture? May artists will reserve the right to pour editions of their bronzes. Of course, not all bronzes are marketable. An edition of your Uncle Joe may not be of interest to an artist, but an edition of a child reading a book may. The contract will state if this is a one of a kind or a limited edition bronze. You can specify a one of a kind, but the price may be higher. Often the artist weighs what they will charge for a bronze, compared to what they will charge others for future editions. The edition  may not sell out right away, but they may over the life of the artist. You might also specify how many will be in the edition and what you would like to collect. Some collectors want to collect only AP’s Artist Proofs. Others want to collect the number 1 in the edition. Many collectors have no preference at all.

Having a clear communication between yourself and the sculptors that you may hire helps you to compare apples to apples. Understanding the nuances of the process keeps you informed.This article will help you to start asking the questions necessary to see your own creative thoughts come to life.

By Bridgette Mongeon is a commissioned sculptor, writer and speaker on the arts.

If you would like to use this article and image you may do so at no charge. The byline and copyright must be included. Please send me an email to let me know where it is used.

Ahhh Such A Sweet Post About Me on Someone’s Blog

I often take time out of the monthly schedule to post messages to others about desiring an interview for my Inspirational podcast. We are on number 80 something now.  Have committed to three coming out a year.  But while returning to a website and an interview from an incredibly interesting man who represents a wonderful lot of talent I found this post on his blog.  He states, “I recently did a radio interview with a very interesting lady who is a world class sculptor.” So nice of him to comment. and you can listen to the podcast if you are intersted. Great insight into marketing and bringing God into your business. Thanks for the plug Michael Smith.  Ah, maybe some day this man will represent me and all of my creative endeavors!   First, I must continue to build my platform and pray.

If You Are An Artist And In Business And Pay Taxes Online WARNING!

I know there are many artists, writers, and small businesses that pay their quarterly taxes online. Please feel free to share this post. PLEASE NOTE: if you make your federal tax payments online there is a spoof e mail that is going about. Please forward those e mails to

My e mail that I received looked something like this
From: EFTPS Tax Payment
Subject: LAST NOTICE: Your Federal Tax Payment ID: ( A RANDOM NUMBER WAS HERE I DELETED IT) has been rejected.

The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
PLEASE NOTE: Your tax payment is due regardless of EFTPS online
availability. In case of an emergency, you can always make your tax
payment by calling the EFTPS.

I Just received this back from IRS after sending them my e mail

This is an automatic reply from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Online Fraud Detection and Prevention (OFDP) team.
We have received your report of possible phishing or fraud. Although we review and investi…gate each email we receive,
due to the number of incident complaints, we cannot guarantee a personal response to your message.

Please note that the IRS does not contact individuals by email.
Therefore, if you received an email claiming to be from the IRS it is a phishing attempt and should be reported to us.

Additional information on IRS phishing can be viewed here:,,id=155682,00.html

Additional information on avoiding phishing scams can be viewed here:

The IRS values your report, and encourages individuals to report future IRS phishing/fraud to
so that we can handle these incidents and limit the number of possible victims.
To limit email volume, you will only receive one auto-response per day for any of your submissions.

Thank you for your report.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Online Fraud Detection and Prevention (OFDP)

Be Careful- A Word About Copyright

I had someone call me and ask if I could create an award for them. Not unusual, but they wanted my to recreate an award that they already had. My response to them was, “I am sorry, but I cannot recreate your award unless you have written permission from the artist.” I was unclear as to why they could not have the artist do the award, and they were in a hurry. “We paid the artist to create this sculpture,” they said. “Unless the artists contract states that you have the rights recreate or pour from a mold you cannot cast this piece. If you get permission from the artist I would be happy to help you out. ” Because of their time frame I quickly sent a photograph off to the foundry to see if they could give an estimate, then we would be ready if they could receive the permission. They recognized the artists work. It turns out the client could not reach the artist, and the foundry said they would help.

Copyright is a bit confusing.
All of my work is by commission. Though clients pay me a lot of money to create sculpture, and many times in the likeness of their loved one, I retain the copyrights. They do not have the rights to recreate, cast or pour other pieces. Sometimes a contract may state it is a one and only sculpture, usually this costs more. Note the artist can still cast an Artist Proof (AP). This is just like the clients sculpture but is used as a proof by the artist. AP can also be in an edition. Often AP’s are sought after by collectors.

Typically I request that I have the rights to pour up to 10 additional pieces of my work and sell them at what I feel is a reasonable price, which is often much lower than my client originally paid. The reason is that the client is paying for the design, the personal likeness, and the original creation of the piece. Creating pieces as an edition of 10 is a wonderful way to gain a body of work.

Copyright is tricky and really not understood by many. It is there to protect the artist, their careers and their work.

I am absolutely exhausted. I have completed a milestone. It took me about 3 months

I am absolutely exhausted. I have completed a milestone. It took me about 3 months, but I now have a shipping department! WOW!

Besides having to research and purchase all of the necessary materials, scale, hopper to hold peanuts, boxes, bubble wrap, and because each piece in my gift line comes with a card and a note from the artists, I had to purchase filing cabinets to hold cards, sales material, and create box labels. That was the easy part. Our garage was filled to the brim with things. I moved everything out and purged. We had to have AC/HEAT in the garage so when they put in the new unit we had it run to the garage as well. A new garage door was installed and the old rotten jams replaced. (I have lived in this house for 23 years and don’t think I have opened the garage door more than 10-20 times.) All of the drywall needed repair and then it took 4-5 coats of paint, the last coat was bed and bath paint to prevent mold. Every crack has been sealed. The floor spray washed, and then an acid wash before it was painted with fancy little sprinkles added. A threshold was added under the garage door, and weather stripping to the sides. New plastic bins for storage and plastic shelves for both storage of some garage stuff, and then the entire inventory was moved in.

We have not checked to see if the laptop and Internet connection works in the garage. That would be ideal, with a small printer. Then I could print off my labels from FedEx right there. But for now I have to run to the other building and up into the offices, a minor inconvenience. IT is so good to have my house back in order. IT seemed like the garage just vomited into the house, studio, porch etc. I have not been in the studio in a day and I kept telling everyone, “move this box into the studio, I’ll go through it in there.” I know I’ll scream a bit when I see the mess down there, but for now… the house is clean and I HAVE A SHIPPING DEPARTMENT!

Creating Videos, Podcasts And Art

I’m enjoying creating the videos and am just learning about all of the places to post them. Please keep coming back and checking on my productions. Future plans for production include

* Creating a mold and casting the Dick Hathaway memorial

* The travel to Vermont and the installation of the Dick Hathaway memorial ( I am searching for Vermont College and Goddard College alumni between Texas, where the studio is located and Montpelier, where the sculpture will be placed. I hope to shoot footage of the professor along the way).

* Creating the Newsboy ( this is a video version of what was created as a blog years ago)

* The inspiration behind each of the God’s Word Collectible Gift pieces

* A spiritual testimony

* The creative process and spiritual enlightenment, how do they go together

* Marketing in the arts

and the list goes on.

Of course I may be sidetracked by my podcasts that I want to create. These too will be on several topics, including an ongoing series called Generations. My daughter, my mother and I will be discussing different topics, Three generations of Christian women!

Meanwhile… I still must create. and I am thankful for the apprentices that have applied. Soon I will be introducing them.

Video For the Web? Coming Soon

I have been busy trying to locate all of the television footage that has been created on my work and then have it digitized for the web. HUGE learning process for me. I hope to have them displayed soon. In the meantime I keep wishing I had video clips of my research for the book that I have finished “Bringing to Life the Spirit of the Deceased- A Sculptor’s Journey.” I thought there would be some interest in the subject. I sent out many press releases about it. We will see, if not I think I just might look at creating my own videos. In my spare time.


A Wonderful New Printer!

The internet is a wonderful resource for getting people to see your artwork, but having printed samples is also a vital marketing tool for an artist. I had been searching for a good and reasonable printer. At first I came upon vista print, but read so many things about their billing more to accounts than was necessary that I decided to stay clear of them. It was also important that I keep my printing here in the United States. I spent weeks evaluating different printers. I even signed up for one of those pages were other bid on your printing. I had so many bids coming in it was difficult to keep them all straight. Jenny Gilchrest ( at Color Printing Central Jenny e mailed me with an advertisement on the bottom of her contact email about business cards, “buy two get the third free.” So I created three different business card designs and got 3,000 business cards for around$100. Great deal! My husband says I’ll never use 3,000 business cards. He may be correct, but I’ll look forward to proving him wrong. I also had a postcard printed about my marketing workshop. There is much more printing that needs to be done for marketing and the office, but I know that I have found a printer that I am satisfied with and that I can recommend to other artists. Great job Color Printing central!