An Homage To a Man Who Started It All- Thanks Newell- Let’s Have Tea!

Houston, Texas artist Bridgette Mongeon with Mad Hatter
An homage to a man. One of the 150 hidden things is in plain site.

I have said time and time again. In my studio, Alice and her friends have gotten bigger and smaller, not with elixirs and mushrooms but with technology. I have had a foot in the digital world and another foot in the fine art field. I have created a niche for myself with my book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting, and Milling. When creating the monumental sculpture of Alice in Wonderland’s Mad Hatter Tea party for Evelyn’s Park in Bellaire, Texas, how could I not pay a tribute to the man who started the technology?  After all, it all started with this and it should be at the famous tea party. So as one of the 150 hidden things that I put in this sculpture in honor of the 150th anniversary of the story, I have added a special one for us tech guys. Do you see it?

Oh and don’t forget the riddle. I’m trying my hand at riddles for many of the hidden object.

Tech marries clay in Wonderland,
The Hatter steps in and lends a hand.
Not from Texas but Utah it came.
Not victorian but rather plain.
Because Sandra and Martin liked their tea,
an homage to a man you now do see.

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