An Offer To The New Yorker

Digital sketch of Bridgette’s monumental bronze sculpture.

As many know I’m working on a magnum opus- a monumental bronze sculpture of Alice in Wonderland’s Mad Hatter’s Tea Party for a Texas park. The details are found in this video.  I use traditional processes and digital processes which make this entire project a very intriguing story. How do I use 3D printing, or CNC milling to create this art? Watch the video, though there is no way to show all the technology in this video. I’m really pushing the limits here. I’m also hiding 150 elements within the bronze scene in honor of this year being the 150th anniversary of the story of Alice in Wonderland.

Those who study Lewis Carroll know he loved puzzles and riddles. Well, these hidden objects celebrate Carroll’s curiosity of puzzles and riddles.   Don’t fret, you will be able to follow along and find some of these hidden treasures if the New Yorker takes up my offer. I will reveal the hidden items, the placement and their meaning to the New Yorker so they may publicize them in their paper for the duration of the time I am sculpting the monumental bronze pieces—approximately the next 6 months.

You will notice by watching the video that I  am creating two books on the Alice Project. One is a process book that explains the process of creating the Alice scene. This shares many of the details of using the technology and combining it with traditional sculpture, and is very similar to my recent book, but just focusing on Alice. The other book is the field guide. This field guide gives you hints to the 150 hidden elements and a place to record them.  I expect these books to come out in 2017 as the sculpture will need to be placed before I can finish writing the books. However, If the New Yorker takes me up on my challenge then individuals that  read the New Yorker, will have some of these answers.

So what do you say New Yorker? Will you jump in the rabbit hole with me? I will only make this offer for one national magazine and I sure hope it is the New Yorker.

There are several media pages for this Alice project that you can find on my website  

Also there is a Facebook page for Finding Alice. 

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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