Approving A Bronze

Long after the sculptures are completed and approved, the molds are made, the waxes are cleaned, and the metal is poured, I’m at the foundry approving the metal. Basically I have photographs that I took of the sculpture when it was sculpted. I want to be sure that all of the pieces go back together again, the way they should and textures are matched- a trademark of my sculptures. This is what I am doing this week and next. The two- year long project of Dick Hathaway is coming to a close. He will be delivered at the end of this month, taking the trip to Vermont College ( see video). Baby Jenna will be traveling with him, going a bit further up to Main. Both will be complete next week. When approving the metal I’ll go around the sculpture circling with a marker all of the things that need to be changed by the master foundry man, and believe me Miguel is a master foundry man. The foundry was miserable, no air conditioning and the Houston, Texas temperature was in the 90’s. Here are some photographs of the foundry trip. I’m headed back again next week, and then the patina ( the coloring of the sculpture.)

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