“Browsing The Archives?”

Keeping a blog lets me document my process of sculpting. Here is one of those sculptures— Jenna, 3d model, to clay and then live-size-bronze memorial.

A fellow graduate classmate posted that “browsing the archives” of a blog is like “walking down memory lane”, she wondered if that would become a new saying. As I “brows the archives” of my life, I realize I don’t write just because I love to write, I write because I have a terrible memory. Documenting helps me to recall. In light of that, here are some of my blogs and recollections.

Creative Endeavors BlogBegan posting May 2005— 6 years of blogging

This blog documents my creative process in many different areas—sculpting, 3D, writing, teaching and marketing in the arts.

I love reading about all of my projects, and I especially love that this blog documents our creation of the new studio space. A hug change from my old place

Perpetual Learner blog documents
going back to school – finishing my
undergraduate at Vermont College and my
terminal degree at Goddard.

Perpetual Learner Blog Began posting in March 2005-6 years of blogging

I began this blog when I decided to go back to undergraduate school as a nontraditional student. Nontraditional basically means—your old. The blog started in March of 2005 and documents the entire process of undergraduate school at Vermont College, and then graduate school at Goddard. I will finish graduate school in January of 2012. I have no idea where this blog will go from there. I am, however, a perpetual learner, so I doubt it will stop.

Bronze sculpture and Bridgette in Vermont.
Siting with professor Richard Hathaway outside of the TW Wood Gallery

Richard Hathaway BlogBegan in March of 2006
This blog documents the sculptural process of creating a life-size bronze of Professor Richard Hathaway for the T.W. Wood Gallery in Vermont . The sculpture was installed in Vermont a few years back.  I visit the bronze often and people send pictures and memories, which I continue to post.

The Newsboy PRE BLOG- If only I had known about blogs then, started 2004- 8 months. In 2020 these html blog pages where merged into this blog. Just follow the category Newsboy.

This is a documentation of the creating of a life-size newsboy sculpture for the Texas Press Association. The edition is an edition of 10, so when one is sold I document where the additional pieces in the sculpture has gone. If only there were blogs back then or I would have known about them.  It was murder trying to create html pages for each of these posts, with links that worked to the next post.

The 8 month creation of the
newsboy sculpture was
documented on my website
prior to blogging. I love
the educational element that
I added. Materials for teachers
and students to use. I would
love to do more blogging
that can be used in education
either with art or travel.

What is next?
Blogging gives me the opportunity to invite individuals from all over the world to view my work in my studio. When a project comes up, I’m always thinking about blogging.  Perhaps it is a personal commissions and the family  that is around the world can watch it being created.  I’d love to do something for a school or program that would incorporate my blogging and sculpting as an education for young people, especially if I could have the interaction of the students.  Now that would be the icing on the cake. If you have a project and want to get lots of people involved in the creating of it, give me a call, we can create a blog especially for your project documenting the entire thing.

I’m not sure who reads the blogs. I try to have helpful information in them.  Will there be more blogs?  Yes, actually I just purchased another domain.  I’m going to start a blog for just my writing projects.  Thanks for sharing in my own walk in life. It is my goal to help and encourage as many people as I can along the way.

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought,
this in turn makes us think more deeply about life,
which helps us regain our equilibrium.  ~Norbet Platt


Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bridgette.mongeon

Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.

Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

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