Continue to Fall Down a Rabbit Hole

Diliberto Photo and Design came by and
did a wonderful photo shoot for press photos.

The studio has been so very, very busy. Those watching along on the Finding Alice Facebook Page can see just how far we have come. We are over 1/2 through the process of creating a monumental scene of Alice in Wonderland’s Mad Hatter Tea Party.  The interns that are working in the studio are a marvelous group and have done a great job.  I could not have done this project this quickly without them. Of course incorporating digital technology with traditional technology is also important. I’m using the same processes that I recorded in my book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling.  I can’t wait to write a new book on creating this project. So far, The Mad Hatter, March Hare, Alice and her chair and the Cheshire Cat are complete.

Jerry Rubenstein has tea with Alice during the approval process.

The client came by and gave his approval of the main characters.

Christina Sizemore of Diliberto Photo and Design came by and did a marvelous shoot of both the approval and some press photos for the finished pieces. We also had a gathering at the studio to show family and friends the sculpture. Thank you to all who participated, brought food and drinks and dressed up for the occassion. Alice and the Hatter where also in attendance.

Evelyn’s Park also had a gathering at the studio, bringing the Mayor of Bellaire.  People are still dropping by for a photo opportunity before the sculpture is cut up and into mold.

The last few weeks have been a media frenzy.

* Ruben Dominguez from Fox 26 came to film a segment for the news.

*  Street Stories CW 39 came in and did a segment that made me giggle.

*  Channel 13 (ABC) Houston came out and did a feature on Evelyn’s Park and the Art for a piece on parks in Houston. Look at the bottom of this page and see the video. 

* KHOU Houston gave Alice her debut.   Several segments aired live and then later on in the day.

The studio open house started slow with guests from the Evelyn’s
park, the city council and the mayor. The evening hours Bridgette
Mongeon and her interns invited family and friends. Over 130
people took part in this private viewing of the clay.

* Houston PBS created a segment that is expected to come out in April

Local Houston Magazine also came out and shot some photographs for an article to come out.

The Houston Chronicle also was out shot images and the Leader was putting something together.

I was also featured on Women in 3D Printing and listed as one of the 25 most influential women in 3D printing. 

The studio has 58 days to get these pieces into mold, but we are still not done.

We have the table and benches along with the hatter’s chair and the pedestal with the book, and we are still hiding things in the scene. Still we celebrate all that has been accomplished so far. It has been a great trip down the rabbit hole.

These are the models that helped me with my scene and gave me inspiration. I was so glad they came in the proper garments.

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