Do You Want To Learn To Podcast?
Over the years, I have had many different people ask me, “How do you podcast?” Some are professionals that see the advantages of podcasting, others are ministries that would like to use podcasting to expand their influence and reach out to others.
Why podcast?
Recently someone asked me, “What are the advantages to podcasting?” First I think it gives you access to many different resources within the fields that you are interested. Like writing, it portrays you as an expert in your field. And it is a wonderful way to get a message across, or help with marketing your product. It is also an educational tool.
How to podcast?
That is a good question. My podcasts began and morphed into what they are now. They were developed through trial and error. Because I am an educator at heart, I wanted to pass on this information to others. I have always been the person who has said, “show me what you have done, Then I can do it myself.” I am preparing a how -to video on podcasting. In it, I will take you through the process step-by step. I expect it to be available within a month or so.
Who are the guests?
It is great to be able to talk to so many people all over the world. The guests for a podcast can be a neighbor, someone in your church, or aim high and ask whomever you choose. We have received interviews from as far away as Australia, France, and England. Meeting new people and hearing about what they are doing is one of the best parts of podcasting.
A Ministry
Podcasting started as a ministry for me. A home bound almost invalid mother ministered from her chair in her assisted living facility through phone conversations with her daughter, myself, and granddaughter. Inspirations/Generations – Three Generations of Christian Women Share their thoughts about different issues and aspects of life. What was just conversations between three women on different topics turned into interviews with such people as Dr. Gary Chapman, Ruth Graham, Olympic Gold medal winner Scott Hamilton, and many others.
Mother passed August 17 of 2009, but the podcasts continued. The dynamics changed a bit, and new things were added.
Sparked by my own intrigue and research into the creative process, we introduced The Creative Christian’s Podcast. Again interviewing some incredible people and adding a regular interview with Dr. Suz a psychologist dealing with Creative and Inspirational issues.
I was promoted by my own intirigue and graduate study to start the Art and Technology Podcast. – A Fire Side Chat where art and technology meet. I have enjoyed exploring the different aspects of this topic and I look forward to what the future holds for this podcast.
Podcasting does take a little bit of time, very little money, and without some training, the learning curve can be grueling. But you will have my videos to help, and you will soon be experience the many advantages and adventures of podcasting.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
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Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast