I LOVE TEA! Thank You Salada and Lipton- Come Join The Tea Party

I love to write in my bed drinking tea, and walk the gardens with tea.

I’m a tea drinker. I know many in the world are passionate about their coffee, but as this coffee cup says, “As For Me Make Mine Tea!”

I guess it is appropriate that I have been commissioned to sculpt the Mad Hatter tea party. Tea is in my blood. So are tea cups, tea pots ,and everything tea. More on that later.  I grew up on tea as a kid and love it as an adult.
Now, don’t bring me any of your fancy tea bags in pretty boxes, there are only two teas I will drink. I grew up on Salada in the North and drink it when I visit Buffalo, and when I moved to the south, I turned to Lipton.
For me, tea is associated with many of the warm fuzzies in my day. Writing in bed, a walk through my garden and chat with a friend. I bring tea bags in my suitcases, backpack and purse. When playing grandmother at my daughter’s house and spending the night I have two things I have requested. I need a place to put my toothbrush and a place for my tea bags.   If my children want me to come, they know they must have tea.

Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has tea beside her Houston, Texas Studio with her daughter Issa, and her good friend Dave (the Mad Hatter).

With all of that said, You know I  absolutely have to have a Salada Tea bag and a Lipton Tea bag as a part of this monumental bronze sculpture.

You may be following along with this bronze project on Facebook. Perhpas you are one of the many that are trying to record and know all of the 150 secret elements of this bronze.  Here are two more hints to the 150 hidden items I am placing in this scene in honor of the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland. There will be two tea bags hidden in this scene. I have contacted both companies and let them know they will be included. I also plan on 3D printing these tea bags out on a 3D printer, then they, like the other elements will be embedded in the clay before it is cast in bronze. So, is there any 3D printing company out there that would like to help me by 3D printing some tea bag labels for me? If so, please contact me! Please note I will need to request that the 3D printing company film the tea bags being printed because I’m sure these tea companies will want to see the technology at work.

I hope both tea companies will take part in passing the word. With Salada, I have asked them for some help. You see Salada always has a saying on the back of a tea bag label.  My question to them and other lovers of Lewis Carroll. What saying would be on the back of this tea label at the Mad Hatter Tea Party?
Stay tuned as I have much more to share about tea in the future. And please, there is no need to remind me of the accuracy of history.  I know the history of tea, and I know that there were really no tea bags 150 years ago, I am an artist, and I love these teas and it is my sculpture.  I guess that is what others mean when they say I have “artistic license.”

Note: there are other “tea” related hidden items. Ooooo this is so much fun.

New coffee cups from friends that reflect the most famous tea party of all. I’m on my way to the studio, and down the rabbit hole of this adventure!

Lipton, Salada, please feel free to invite six guests to this tea party when it is done.  If you decide to do this let me know. They will become a part of the coveted thimble invite.  More on this later. I will provide the finger sandwiches, and you can provide the tea at the most interesting dining experience and the most famous tea party in the United States.
Side note: Do I collect tea things? Well, because I use them yes. But it seems that this new project is bringing a desire for Alice related tea items. A dance friend gave me this lovely Lewis Carroll tea cup. I saw one at the Harry Ransom Center that had a Cheshire cat on it that appeared and disappeared depending on the heat in the cup. I wanted it, but I was so busy getting ready for my lecture at the 150th Anniversary celebration of the North American Society of Lewis Carroll I never purchased it.

I do plan on making tea related items that will be associated with Alice in Wonderland, this project, and tea.They will be for sale so stay tuned. But first, I have a monumental bronze sculpture to finish.
For more information about this project watch the video below and follow the progress of this project on the Finding Alice Facebook Page. I love to hear people’s suggestions and comments.

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