I’ll Be On The Radio- An Interview About My new Book “Kisses From Heaven”

Book two is titled “Kisses from Heaven”

There are special cherished moments after the death of a loved one. Some call them coincidences, others a message from beyond. In this case, we are calling them Kisses from Heaven. They are simple things that happen that remind us of our deceased loved one. Some seem so bizarre we are not sure how they could happen. They may be snuggling in a dream, or perhaps having a symbol of a loved one continue to appear over and over, smelling the perfume of a deceased mother or cigar of a father who passed away. These moments, however strange, comfort us. It is my personal opinion that God gives these moments to the bereaved as a way to say, “I know your pain, and I’m still here.” As a sculptor who specializes in sculpting the deceased for individuals homes, prayer gardens, and cemeteries, I have heard of these incidents over and over again. It is the desire of my heart and my co-author Zanna Mangini’s to collect these unusual stories into a book. We would love for you to be a part. Please send us stories about your Kisses from Heaven.

Here is a link to the writers guidelines should you know of anyone that would like to submit.

On Friday at www.psychiconair.com Zanna and I will be talking about the book. I will also be talking about book three. 10 a.m. eastern time.
Book three is titled “Bringing to Life the Spirit of the Deceased a Sculptors- Journey” It is about 4 posthumous commissions and the interactions with both my clients and subject. More can be found at the link

I am still seeking publishers for Bringing to Life… and Kisses From Heaven.

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