Looking For Interns-ASAP
I have several projects coming up, and one in house right now. I’m looking for interns to work in the studio. Can work evenings or daytime.
I have tried to outline what the process of being an intern in my sculpting studio consists of. I have also given links to projects so students can become more familiar with the process.
I have a large Internet presence and often create “project blogs” for my clients to follow along with the sculptures as I create them. They are also a great educational tool. I’ll list some posts below, but if students are interested they can visit the project blogs to see how I work.

This is a digital model of the intended sculpture.
- My personal blog is https://creativesculpture.com
Some of the project blogs are
- http://www.erjcc.blogspot.com/
- http://www.gramblingtiger.blogspot.com/ This is on of the projects we will be working on
- http://www.prairieviewpanther.blogspot.com/
- http://www.dickhathaway.blogspot.com/
- https://creativesculpture.com/texaspress.html
- http://unitedinspace.com/ This is one of the projects we may be working on
What I need:
* Physically capable bodies to work on sculpting two projects, possibly three. The first is a life-size praying man, the second is a 15 foot tiger that is climbing on rocks. I’m including a digital sketch of what that looks like. I may also have a sculpture of Neil Armstrong for Russia. All of these are bronze that are created in traditional process of sculpting with clay. This is very physical work.
* Knowledge of figurative sculpting is not essential. I will take passion over knowledge any day!
* I would like atleast 20 hours of work per intern, but if they need to do less I will use more interns working less hours. I just need to be sure that I can schedule them.
* A commitment. Please- I have deadlines and need to have people who can honor those deadlines. The internship needs to be important to them.
What the students receives:
* Interns will be educated in the process of figurative sculpting. They will also learn about the lost wax method of bronze casting. I am also open to talking to students about working as a commissioned artist, and the digital process in the traditional studio. All of my interns love the encouragement that they receive working in my studio.
* I can use students for possibly the holiday break and the next semester. If they are interested in a longer relationship that is a possibility.
* I’m happy to provide documents for school credit or letters of recommendation for the interns.
* A paid internship is a possibility. However, I need to see the students abilities first. I also would rather work on a bonus system- payment at the end of a project rather than an hourly wage, but if payment is necessary for the internship with the school let me know. I can work this out.
Here is what students will be doing.
The clay I use is a wax based clay that needs to be melted and put on the foam armature that we put together. Here is a blog post about armature building for the Prairie View A & M Panther http://www.prairieviewpanther.blogspot.com/2011/09/update-countdown-begins.html Or the Evelyn Rubenstein Sculpture for the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community center. http://www.erjcc.blogspot.com/2012/02/pulling-pieces-together.html
The sculpture is covered in foundry wax and then wax based clay. The clay is heated up in crock pots and applied. It is a bugger to smooth and interns are often smoothing this out with torches and tools. Some more blog posts about this process http://www.prairieviewpanther.blogspot.com/2011/09/update-sculpting-like-mad-woman-day-4.html http://www.erjcc.blogspot.com/2012/03/working-diligently-thumbs-up-and.html
If an intern feels like the above is grueling work then they have not seen anything. The mold making process is brutal. Many foundries actually do this part of the process, but artists must learn this as it can save quite a bit of money. The interns will be taken through the entire mold making process. Because we are working on different pieces, different types of mold making will be used for different parts of the sculptures. The sculpture, once perfected and approved, must be cut up into many, many different sections. You can read about the mold making process on some of my project blogs. The panther had over 32 mold pieces. Here are some of the many posts about mold making.
Though this is often another part of the foundry process I use interns to help me clean waxes. This expedites the projects and helps me to be sure the bronze will turn out how I want it. Cleaning up waxes for the foundry processes is an art. Each intern will learn how to use the tools and be working with me and the foundry to create these pieces. The foundry is local and I will introduce the students to the foundry and their process. When they are available they can come to the foundry with me for approvals and to see how the job is coming along.
That is about it.
If a student is interested they should let me know their intent and availability through e mail. I can be reached at this bridgette ( the at sign) creativesuclpture.com. Please put INTERN in the subject line.
Thanks for passing the word I hope we can find some students as I believe this will be a great experience for them.
Bridgette Mongeon
There are also some links on my blog about interns