Podcasts Update We Have Reached 100 Podcasts!

Podcasting with Bridgette Mongeon
Podcasting takes a little investment of time and money but is worth it!Many of you know I have three podcasts. The Art and Technology Podcast which can be found on the Digital Sculpting.net website. I have not been as active with this podcast over the last few months due to graduate school, but I expect that will soon change, and I will begin interviewing on that podcast on a regular basis once again.


Then there are my other podcasts-Creative Christian and Inspirations Generations.  I have committed to doing three of these every month and I am happy to say our next podcast will be podcast number 100. Yes, we have recorded 100 podcasts!


For those of you who are interested you can listen to the Inspiration Generations and Creative Christian podcasts in several areas.

In itunes, or through the blog.  You an also listen from the Facebook Fans Page. I would like to encourage everyone to go to facebook and “like” our Facebook Fans Page.

The blog is associated with my God’s Word Collectible sculpture series, in fact, they have been the sponsor of the podcast over the last few years.  The blog is nice because it lets you see pictures of those we are interviewing, gives further information on the interviews, links and much more.


We have interviewed so many people over the last 100 podcasts including Olympic Gold medal winner Scott Hamilton, Author of the Love Languages Books Dr. Chapman,  And even Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s daughter. We have recorded outside of the United States to England with singer-songwriter Malcom Guite, Brother David from Taize, France and Budapest about the Resurrection Sunday Dance.

If you would like to see a list of all of our podcasts I have kept one going and it can be found on this portion of the God’s Word website.  You can click on the links to get to the podcasts from there.


Oh, and I am making the podcasts available for anyone who would like to post them on their site. There is a link on each blog post that allows you to imbed the podcast on your own blog or website. If you should not see a link, let me know and I’ll get you one. When someone will click on the link on your website it brings up another browser with the podcast, in other words, by adding these podcast links to your blog posts and website your site now become a multi media website.  How cool is that?

The subjects that I cover in the podcast usually tend to go along with what others ask of me or my own personal journey in life. My mother and daughter began this podcast with me.  Our stories are on the host bio page.  My daughter still joins me from time to time. Mother’s invovlement is limited to her journals and our memories as she passed away, but was so excited about this last ministry in her life, it lives on and so do her words.

When mother died she had some incredible experiences with visits from deceased loved ones. This corresponded with music that we were playing at the time. I spoke to the group Strand of Pearls in an interview and told them thank you for this profound experience. After mother’s death we talked a lot about mother loss.  Then we added the Creative Christian podcast. I wanted to talk to other creative people, find out about their journey.  Recently, as I have just finished my first young adult novel, I have been talking with authors, agents, and others, especially as it pertains to controversial topics, as my book has that twist to it.

Also, recently my husband entered the podcast with our very personal discussions of an Athiest husband and a Christian wife. We have recorded two podcasts about that subject and have a few more planned.

I would like to encourage you to take a listen to the podcasts, subscribe to the blog or to the podcasts in itunes, or even post and share the podcasts on your own websites, blogs or Facebook pages.  And please, if they have touched you in any way, let us know.

Our last few podcasts are as follows.

INSPIRATIONS_0099 Creative Christians- Evolution and Christianity

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to author Robin Brande about Christians who believe in evolution. Robin is the author of the young adult book Evolution, Me and Other Freaks of Nature.

Inspirations_0098 Creative Christians- Interview with Sara Zarr

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks to author Sara Zarr about novels,  crisis of faith, family and what Christian teens are looking for in publishing.

Inspirations_0097 Creative Christians- Novel Metamorphosis

Host Bridgette Mongeon interviews author Darcy Pattison about her workshops and her book, Novel Metamorphosis. Together they explore the uncommon ways to revise a novel and how to do it in a workshop or with a small group.

Inspirations_0096 Creative Christians- Questions about publishing for Christian authors

Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with literary agent Chip MacGregor about the changes in publishing for Christian authors and the guidelines of publishing. Can Christian Authors cross over from Christian publishing to secular? How is secular publishing changing to accommodate a Christian message?

Inspirations_0095 Dance Your Shoes Off

November of 2010 we podcasted with Budapest about their Resurrection Sunday Dance.They spoke about their viral video and how they hoped to encourage people from all over the world dance as a flash mob. Steven Seelig of Second Baptist Church- Houston was influenced by this and decided to create a flash mob dance. 2000 members of Second Baptist Church-Houston danced in the park, in fact they danced their shoes off. The shoes were collected and distributed to those in need.

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