Preparing The Next Presentation For SCBWI

I will, once again be the speaker at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators meeting (SCBWI) November meeting Scheduled for November 1, 2010 at 7:00p.m. It is free and all are welcome to come Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX 77042-5213

The topic is still marketing in the arts.
Last month we discussed-
* Setting Goals
* Target Marketing
* Creating a Platform
* Branding

It was a lot to take in, as there is a tremendous amount of information. I like what a former attendee said about my workshops.

“I left the room with the certainty that if fame and fortune were going to
be mine, it would only occur if I took the bull by the horns, and you
showed me not only where the bull was but how to get the horns, as well.
Besides your ebullient enthusiasm, which is highly contagious,
you also shared with us lucky attendees really practical steps to
getting where we want to go. I left the lecture with a suitcase of ideas.”

Mary Erbert

This next month we will be talking about
* Marketing Time Management- How much time should I spend marketing myself in my art?
* Setting Goals- Planning for Your Pony
* Using Social Marketing
* Creating a Blog
* Creating a website

For those of you who missed last month I am hoping to do this as an online webinar and will let you know when this happens. I do have this video that I created on the first few minutes of the meeting.

I also shared one of my gems.  A special part of the workshop.  Here is last months Gem HARO.

Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
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