Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon is Nominated by TEA

Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with her sculpture of Alice
The artist was surprised to find her face on the TEA website. Anyone want to join in a tea party celebration?

On the day of the opening of the sculpture April 21st Bridgette Mongeon was notified that she has been nominated as  a “Woman that serves the Texas -gulf-coast community with grace and fortitude”  by the Texas Tea Affair. Then she received the email below. There is an invite to the tea and take note,  there is a discount on tickets for her guests. In light of that, she posts this here asking, “Does anyone want to come to a tea?”

She has been told all nominees are recognized at the tea.  What a fun event to have at the park with a celebration of Bridgette’s Mad Hatter Tea Party sculpture “Move One Place On.”

Dear Mrs. Mongeon,  The 14th Annual Texas Tea Affair will be held on Sunday, May 6th, 2018 at Evelyn’s Park. 

Congratulations on being selected as a recipient of the 2018 Community TEA award, honoring women that have served the Texas gulf-coast community with the grace and fortitude that TEA reflects. 

You have shown true leadership, having:

  • Delivered real business impact or community outreach
    There is no doubt that the new sculpture “Move One Place On” has created a community impact.
  • Used self-belief to rise above adversity and reach their goals
    Many do not know the hardships that have taken place over the last few years for Bridgette Mongeon both in business and in life. From the loss of her daughter’s home to a house fire in February 2017 to the insolvency of a vendor on the project in April 2017. The family is still waiting to move into their home from the fire, and the insolvency left more than a trickle-down  effect for the artist. She described it as more of a deluge. Though the trials have been difficult ones, Bridgette claims it has made her into a stronger person, a better businesswoman with a stronger belief in herself. She has learned to, evaluate a situation from the worst possible scenario,  embrace the difficulty with much prayer and use it as a learning experience to become a better person and grow in business. “When you come so close to losing your loved ones, it really does put the rest of life into perspective,” the artist declares. As a writer, she is working on sharing her tools of rising above the difficulties in a new book titled “The Zen of Business and Carving a Creative Life.”She states, “If I can help just one person get through their experiences, it is worth it.”
  • A veteran in your field, displaying sound management and acumen
    With over 30 years of experience as a businesswoman, writer sculptor and mentor it is easy to see how this criterion fits the artist. 
  • Mentored and inspired others striving for success
    This Bridgette has in spades, or should we say “hearts.”  She has strived to make the sculpture “Move One Place On” more than just a great piece of art to look at, but she has strived to create an interactive experience.  Through the 150 hidden objects and the sculpture she does something that is dear to her heart, She encourages literacy.  By exploring the digital technology and Encouraging STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education through the art, she brings the art further in encouragement for others. She is providing and working on free tools, videos and other future learning resources that she offers schools, parents, and libraries. She uses  her knowledge combined with her desire to inspire and educate. She does all of this on her own time, without expecting a reward. To subtly encourage learning in others, while having fun is her goal.  Even the creation of the art is completed with the use of paid interns in her studio. Emerging artists who not only  have ownership in a piece and an  installation but a tremendous  learning experience and memories to share behind the “curious adventure.”

Awards will be given at the 2018 Texas Tea Affair on May 6th in Bellaire, Texas (610/Bellaire Blvd).  A complimentary ticket will be reserved for you.  Honoree tables may be decorated by your staff/party to celebrate the day (see below) and discount $49 tickets are available for your guests.  This unique afternoon tea benefits the WestburyCARE Shelter offering support to unwanted pets in southwest Houston. Each year, the Tea Affair provides an afternoon of fun, fashion, food, fellowship, invigorating speakers, tea and ornamented, themed tables to the Greater Houston community while celebrating leaders in our community.

The 2018 class (nominated online by their peers):
Bridgette Mongeon- Houston bronze sculpture artist
Rose Ann Cook- Owner, Quilters Emporium
Chef Kiran Verma- Owner, Kiran’s Restaurant
Delsie Stoute- Director, Precinct One Senior Programs
Donna Cole- CEO, Cole Energy

We encourage guests to wear hats and fascinators to the tea. The afternoon will include a full lunch, scones, desserts, exotic teas, tea cup exchange and vendor market. In deep appreciation for your service, we look forward to this years garden party and encourage your attendance.

Top praises for continuing to give back and serve humbly, 

Lee Garcia, 


Sculptor is nominated for woman of the year
This poster was sent to the artist. It looks like there are a few events over the weekend with the tea being the last event.

If any of Bridgette’s friends wants to be table hostess and decorate their table, the following has been provided.

TEAinTEXAS presents 2018 TEXAS TEA AFFAIR The 14th Annual Event Honoring Local Women Leaders

You may use a theme for your table.

Hobbies, reading and gardens make wonderful tablescapes.

Overall 2018 party theme at the affair is the 1940’s era.

Provided by Table Hostess
8 party favors for guests
8 place cards (if your table has open seating, a guest list will be provided by June 5th)
1 centerpiece 2 teapots Name your Table
A brief summary of your table inspiration. (2-3 sentences for event program)
Optional- Table decorations such as props, ornaments, frames, etc. (Please keep decorations below 2 ft high.)
Optional- Teapot warmers or cozies
8 napkin rings 8 placemats or doilies
8 chargers

Kindly do not decorate chairs.
1 creamer Provided by Venue
8 dinner plates 8 water glasses
8 sets of flatware (forks, knives & spoons)
8 napkins and 1 tablecloth (white)
1 sugar/sweetener container 1 lemon plate Menu/program at each seat

Provided by Guests Each guest brings their own tea cup to exchange. Contact Penny Ward – Table Coordinator for any questions TABLE DECOR

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