Call For Artists, Authors And Others To Interview For Podcasts

Bridgette Mongeon talk on art and technology

Bridgette Mongeon has been  host of two podcasts since 2008.  Through the years the Inspiration/Generation and Creative Christian podcast  has covered a variety of topics and many different authors.  The topics are varied.  Some topics are heavy and deal with psychological issues, some have an element of comedy or fun.  Other topics are  books that the host or co has have read that have really resonated with them. Then there have some very difficult topics such as an atheist and a Christian in marriage.  If you think your book or aspirations fit our format we would love to hear from you. You can reach us through the contact form on the podcast blog. You must note that this podcast is has an inspirational/Christian format. To learn more and to see if you are a good fit peruse our podcast blog. You can see our entire list of topic by searching the pages by year.

When you contact us please indicate “possible podcast guest” in the subject line and give us  some details about how you fit our format.

Topics of personal interest:

  • Topics that help individuals overcome
  • Topics and guests that support love in the face of extreme differences
  • Creativity and Spirituality
  • Business Creativity and Spirituality
  • Writing and Art

Our podcasts are heard through ITunes, the blog and Facebook. Eacb guest also receives a link to their podcast. This link may be placed anywhere, on a website, facebook or a blog.  The link brings up a separate audio browser with the guests podcast interview.  The Inspiration/Generations podcasts and Creative Christians Podcast have been downloaded 23,000 times to date.  The podcasts are sponsored by the God’s Word Collectible Gift series. If you are interested in sponsoring the podcasts please contact us through the contact form.

Inspiration Generations podcast by sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with co hose Christina Sizemore.
creative Christians logo for podcast

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