The Books in the Satchel

This week my new apprentice has worked diligently on the satchel. The question is what books are pouring out of the satchel. I have given this quite a bit of thought. Remember not all the titles can be seen.

If you are to look at the spine of each book this is what you see


A Book for You!



I toyed with the idea of actual books but I thought this is best. Dick would always have a book for you, no matter who you are. Anyone who has ever seen his office would know why.

I listen often to the video of Dick’s lecture on progressive education. It is all I have of him.

I find myself needing the stimulation of those who knew him. It is interesting how important that is for me to be able to pull that emotion into the piece. Charlotte, you helped with this before!

I also wish I had something for the satchel that represented his auctions. An auction ticket? Any suggestions? I still don’t know what the letter will say on the top of the satchel. I think it will be from all of us.

That’s the update for now.

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