The First Marketing Video Is Almost Complete

We have begun a new project here at the studio. I’m taking my weekend workshop that I have presented to numerous small businesses and art organization and will be presenting it free in online videos. The series of videos is called “The Art of Business and The Business of Art.” Of course I can’t cover everything that I would like in just these 8 minute videos so we are also preparing workbooks that accompany each video. The videos are free, the workbooks will be sold from my website for $30.00.

Video number one “The Beginning” will be out at the end of the month. I think you will like it. These videos are meant to be a month-by-month, step-by-step process into going into a small business. Of course I also talk a lot about those going into businesses that relate to the arts, but the videos can be used by any small business person. We are thrilled to introduce a wonderful new illustration company called Goat Eye productions. They have committed to working with us on this entire series. This project is a major undertaking that I would never consider without the help of my wonderful new intern Hannah. Can’t wait to hear about what others think about the videos and workbooks.

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