Visual Arts Alliance Invites All To Come on a “Curious Adventure”

Bridgette Mongeon is the August
Speaker at the Houston
Visual Arts Alliance meeting.

The Visual Arts Alliance– Houston  Invites all to Come on a “Curious Adventure”
It will be a curious lecture at the Visual Arts Alliance on Saturday August first. Houston, Texas sculptor Bridgette Mongeon is the featured speaker, and she will be bringing a few of her friends from Alice In Wonderland.

Bridgette's book on 3D technology
Bridgette Mongeon’s Book pre order on Amazon on the book’s website. Release September 2015.

Bridgette is the author of a new book coming out this September —a “#1 New Release” on Amazon. The book titled 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling can be preordered on Amazon and through the book’s website. Bridgette is also the artist commissioned to create the new monumental bronze sculpture of the Mad Hatter Tea Party that will be installed in a Texas park next year.
Though Bridgette is a traditional sculptor, she will be talking about how she uses digital tools in creating some of her sculptures. She will display how technology is changing the traditional process of bronze casting. Attendees will see art that artists can now create that, up until this point in technology, could never be create before. She will also share her progress on the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.
You will be sworn to secrecy as she divulges some of the secrets about some of the 150 elements that she is hiding in the Mad Hatter Tea Party scene created in honor of the 150th anniversary of the beloved story of Alice in Wonderland.
She’s delighted to exhibit the work of artists from all over the world who she features in her book and that are pushing the limits of the technology. It is an inspiring lecture that is bound to leave artists scratching their heads while wondering about the possibilities and saying,
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ( White Queen reminds Alice in the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.)
So if you are a curious artist, a lover of Alice In Wonderland  stories, or interested in entering a new world of all sorts of possibilities join Bridgette and the Visual Arts Alliance as they jump down the rabbit hole, Saturday, August 1 at 9:45 at the Print Museum 1324 Clay St. in Montrose.

For more information about the Artist
visit her website at
To be a part of the Alice in Wonderland Sculpture
visit the Finding Alice Page on Facebook
And to find out more about the book and listen to online podcasts from the artists, visit the book’s website at

If you would like a “teaser” about the Alice project, checkout this YouTube video.

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