We Leave In Two Days!

It will take some time to get to Vermont with two stops on the way. My original traveling companion, besides Dick and Jenna was going to be my daughter, but she could not make it. Luckily I have found a friend to help keep me awake along the way. Went to the foundry today to check on last details and make sure they would have everything ready. I thought I should get a picture of the three of us together.

I know I look like I have the hurricane fog. Yes it is true. I can’t tell you how stressful this last week has been. Went to the bank to get money for the trip. The entire roof was blown off of the bank. In the mall next door the entire side of the mall was gone. Had to stop to get more gas containers for the generator. I feel bad leaving my family in this situation but I am very glad to be leaving Houston and the stress of the post hurricane and survival mode.

Soon we will be in Vermont. Can’t wait to see the changing of the leaves! Dick Hathaway is coming home, along with an angel!

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