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The Completed Sculpture Before The Mold Making

Here is a photograph of the Dick Hathaway sculpture just before he went into mold.
The Money Has Arrived From The TW Wood
The money has arrived from the TW Wood Gallery, and so I can begin the process of creating the molds for the sculpture and getting Dick Hathaway to the foundry which means he can soon come home!
It is a lot of work. Here is the process in a nutshell. By the way. WE STILL NEED MONEY TO GET THE SCULPTURE HOME. So please send your pennies to the TW WOOD gallery. Our target date is August 25th. I went to the foundry today to deliver a portion of the molds and they have agreed that this is enough time to complete the sculpture. Now for the process….
This sculpture is created for the TW Wood Gallery in Vermont. Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has created an entire project blog at
You may also want to watch the three videos created for this project
The sculpting
The casting
The delivery and installation
I Have Plaster Under My Finger Nails
Yes, it is grueling work creating this mold of Richard Hathaway. About day 4 I say to myself, ” Yes, the foundry should get $6-7,000. to make such a mold!” But it is part of my donation. I’ll post pictures soon, well as soon as I can get the clay, rubber, plaster off of my fingers and shoes to be able to spend some time up here at the computer.
This sculpture is created for the TW Wood Gallery in Vermont. Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has created an entire project blog at
You may also want to watch the three videos created for this project
The sculpting
The casting
The delivery and installation
It Is All In The Details
Just finishing up the details on this sculpture.
Who can forget those expressive hands.
I love this shot. The door is there. The pond behind it, and Dick looks like he is saying goodbye. Time to go home!
This sculpture is created for the TW Wood Gallery in Vermont. Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has created an entire project blog at
You may also want to watch the three videos created for this project
The sculpting
The casting
The delivery and installation

Why Is It Taking So Long?
Someone called and posed that question. A normal bronze life-size commission can take anywhere from six months to a year depending on the schedule of the foundry. However, the memorial sculpture of Richard Hathaway is not normal. The sculpting and half of the foundry fees were donated by myself. The balance of the foundry fees was raised through the efforts of the TW Wood gallery and the loving people of Vermont. That took some time. Now they we are both working on finding the money to bring him home. Meanwhile… I would not proceed with the bronze process until I had the money from the TW Wood gallery. I have been told it is going to be mailed this week. So Dick Hathaway is being all spruced up to go into the mold making process. I expect this to happen next week. I’ll record it and of course create another video of the process as promised.
This sculpture is created for the TW Wood Gallery in Vermont. Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has created an entire project blog at
You may also want to watch the three videos created for this project
The sculpting
The casting
The delivery and installation
Need a Bit More Money to Get Dick Hathaway Home
We had a miscommunication about the money raised. The total amount of casting Dick has been raised (I’m praying my foundry will stick with the price they told me 2 years ago). The money for getting Dick Hathaway home was not raised. So we are scrambling trying to get this money in. I have an estimate from a shipping company, but I have decided to take Professor Hathaway home myself. Therefore we are just looking for a few more donations to cover the cost of the trip. If anyone is interested in donating to this please contact the TW Wood Gallery. And if anyone lives between Houston and Vermont and wants to host us and see Dick himself, please contact me.
It Is Time To Go Home!
Now I have become quite used to having Dick Hathaway around, greeting me in that perpetual pose. But, he has simply worn out his welcome. The TW wood Gallery is sending the money for casting this next week. That means we are putting the finishing touches on Professor Hathaway, preparing him for the mold making process. We have a tentative date for the end of August for installation, but I will be firming that up with the foundry in the next couple of weeks.
A Video On The Creation Of The Dick Hathaway Sculpture
I hope to add the bronze process next.
I Wanted to Share My Inspiration
Vermont College Union Institute provided me with this video taken at the completion Ceremonies—April 3, 2004. Richard Hathaway was the speaker. There is a lot more to the video but I edited it down to show Dick talking about progressive education. Listening to his talk, watching his hand motion and animation helped me to remember him, and I hope it allowed me to capture that in the clay. It is a shame that this video is not made available to more people to see. Especially those who loved him and need a little Professor Hathaway fix.
As I finish up the details on the sculpture, preparing it for the foundry join me for a moment in the wonder, wit and charm of Professor Richard Hathaway.
A Younger Dick Hathaway
Well a younger Dick Hathaway is coming to life. I have attached the head of the sculpture and I am working on pulling everything all together. I changed the arm, raising it a bit. I was not sure I could do this, because the armature is rebar. Standing on the bench I pulled up. It worked. I also reattached the hand. Dick’s right leg is still removed so that we can get in close the finish some details. I keep moving around the shirt trying to get things just right. Shoulders, left arm and back. Every now and again I look up at the face and change a thing here and there.