Texas Art Educators Conference Moody Gardens- Go With STEAM!

Speaker Houston, Texas artist Bridgette Mongeon
Loved speaking at TAEA in Moody Garden’s Galveston.

I was so honored to be asked to be the keynote speaker at the Texas Art Educators Conference (TAEA) in Moody Gardens, Galveston, Texas.  My goal was to show others how art can and should be integrated into science, technology engineering, art, and math. Just before the lecture, I added a slide about my lecture at the 150th-anniversary celebration of Lewis and Carroll, where I spoke about my Alice in Wonderland sculpture project to be installed in Evelyn’s Park in 2018. In that lecture, I also talked about STEAM education.  STEAM education is based on an educational initiative that focuses on STEM. STEM focuses on encouraging students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These are areas of focus that needed encouragement because there are many jobs needing to be filled, but it is hard to keep students motivated in these disciplines. STEAM adds the Art element. When at the 2015 Lewis Carroll conference someone came up to me and was very upset that I added the A to STEM.  The comment startled me. It was the first time I had ever had to defend the “A”.

My motto developed for TAEA was,

“Defend the “A” and go with STEAM!”

In fact, at the book signing, I signed many of my books with that same quote.  It was my motto for TAEA 2017, and I’m carrying it forward.

I absolutely loved the group at TAEA.  The excitement and positive comments that I received from so many about  how I am incorporating STEAM with the Alice In Wonderland Project was encouraging. We are not done. Stay tuned for the virtual tour, and the educational game created from that virtual or augmented reality.

PLEASE if you like the keynote or attended my workshop and have comments I would appreciate it if you could send them to me along with your title and name. By making these public I can procure further engagements and this helps me to defend your “A.”

CONTACT ME If you have any questions or need information please feel free to contact me. I would love to know how teachers are using STEAM.

www.digitalsculpting.net  My website on my book and digital technology
www.creativesculpture.com My fine art website.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bridgettemongeon
Twitter https://twitter.com/sculptorwriter
Finding Alice Sculpture Page on Facebook 

During the conference I took names and offered the Coveted Thimble Invitation- this entitles the receiver to bring a friend to have lunch with me at the sculpture. Congratulations to Shane Skinner the TAEA Winner!

Many of these are listed in the back of the book.

Many of these resources are found in my book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting, and Milling. For those of you who purchased the book at the conference, Thank you. If you have not purchased it at the show you can find it on Amazon.  PLEASE- Amazon reviews matter. You don’t have to purchase the book from Amazon to review. I’d greatly appreciate your reviews.

The book has a corresponding website. It can be found at digital sculpting.net

  • SymbioticA is the program at the University of Western Australia that combines scientists and artists. The podcast with Oron Catts on the art called Victimless Leather can be listened to on the book’s website.
  • Joris Laarman is the artist that created Dragon Bench
  • Bruce Beasley is a pioneer using digital technology in fine art.
  • Leanor Caraballo created Object Breast Cancer – an artist’s work make a change in how cancer is researched.
  • Robert Lazzarini morphed skull and telephone booth. An artist morphs work digital and recreates it using technology.
  • Mary Neubauer creates art with code
  • Nathalie Mibach weaves data into art
  • Bathsheba Grossman Is another pioneer in 3D printing and make math into art.
  • Erwin Hauer with the help of Enrique Rosada– Are recreating the deteriating panels of Erwin’s work created in the  50’s using 3D tech.
  • Captured Dimensions- Dallas company that does photogrammetry with a booth and captured my granddaughter.
  • 123D Catch- Photogrammetry with your phone. Please be aware of the fine print. They will own your 3D model. When searching for their URL i discovered that they have discontinued all of their free software including catch. This article has some other free options, but I have never tried them.
  • Saving Mes Aynak  A race against time to save a 5,000-year-old archaeological site in Afghanistan threatened by a Chinese state-owned copper mine. The video can now be seen on Netflix. 3D scanning subject.
  • CyArk– Digitally preserving architectural heritage. They have a varied amount of educational material on scanning and 3D.
  • Smithsonian 3D has a variety of educational material on 3D scanning artifacts.
  • Olivier Van Herbt – 3D printing in ceramic. There are many free resources on how to build your own 3D printer for ceramic.
  • Synappsys Digital Services– CNC ( Computer Numerically Controlled Milling.) See the process in the TAE video above.
  • Shapeways and i.materailise  These are two companies that offering 3D printing from files in a variety of materials.. They also list some free software to get one started on creating.  ( Check the book for the different software to fix files for 3D Printing. )
  • TXRX Makerspace in Houston is offers 3D Printers for Houston schools to purchase with a trade in program if they break.
  • Smart Geometrics came in and scanned the sculpture “Move One Place On” to reduce it down. They will be back in the park to scan the entire area to create a virtual or augmented reality. I’m still looking for a gaming company to take that and make it into an educational resource.
  • Utah Teapot. This is the tea pot that the Mad Hatter holds. Want to see a video about this famous tea pot and what it has to do with 3D technology? 

RESOURCES FROM MY WORKSHOP- Please follow this link

OTHER RESOURCES- Alice In Wonderland

  • Free printable of the Wonderland Detective Book. Use this with students to help find the 150 hidden items in the sculpture. I will be creating a series of YouTube videos to help teachers.
  •  Free printable of dodecahedron and a triangle with Alice in Wonderland images and sayings. Use this in conjunction with the books Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. This also helps to open up a conversation about  the math and geometry behind 3D Technology.




  • JWEEL Free browser based jewelry design program https://www.jweel.com/en/
  • Learn Code for Art Processing 2 http://processing.org/
  • Kids learn to create with code https://www.tynker.com/
  • Provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science https://code.org/

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