Always Learning

Podcasting with Bridgette Mongeon

Besides sculpting, writing and working on the many different contracts, I have been learning. For seven months now I have been working on putting podcasts together. It is incredible to think of all that I have done. There will be two different podcasts, one for my line called Inspirations and the other on art called, what else Creative Endeavors. I keep thinking, “ I feel like I have done so much.” After making this list it is hard to believe I could do all of this and work on such tight deadlines downstairs in the sculpting studio. You probably can tell that my husband and I work all of the time. It is great to love what you do and have a studio near our home.

I am thrilled that this is almost together. Maybe If I put some links then it might help others who are wanting to do a podcast.

• Learned what a podcast was
• Found Adam Weiss page and bought an old iriver on ebay to use while I was waiting for new equipment
• Tried to learn I river, recorded a few things while waiting for new equipment
Bought a new mac computer
• Scheduled several one to one sessions with Apple to learn audio,
Learned Garage band, Free audio editing software that comes with a Mac. ( it is funny I have had this for years and I thought it was a game or something. )
• Reviewed microphones
• Purchased the Samson C01U, and pop filter (actually requested it as a gift from husband, thanks hubby)
• Tried to use my own boom arm, didn’t work, tried to make a boom arm that would attach to desk, didn’t work, bought a HEIL boom arm it also came with a spider mount. I am a happy camper
• Tried to figure out how to do a podcast with three people via phone
• Got a skype account
Purchased Audio Hijack Pro(AHP) ( found this guys post about doing podcasts using sKype and AHP

Posted a bunch of questions, as I was trying to figure it out.
• Still working with AHP techs trying to get better sound
• Scheduled advanced audio sessions with apple
• Studied how to market podcasts
• Recorded 9 podcasts for God’s Word Collectibles
• Edited all of those podcasts
• Tried to find music for podcasts
• Was rejected by one artist but got something even better from Harry Sheppard
• Needed voiceover for commercial begged one person, waited a month and again Harry Sheppard came to my rescue.
• Researched servers for podcast hosting, along with learning about bandwidth etc. Settled on Libsyn, designed libsyn page, figured out how to make two separate podcasts under one libsyn account, complete with rss feed.
• Purchased the url
• Paid someone to make a blogger page look like my merchants account page at the God’s Word website so no one would know they were off of the site, unless they look at the url
• Tried to upload podcasts to review sound
• Needed to learn how to make podcasts into CD format so those not having a computer could listen to them.
• Created art for cover of podcast
• Created art and CD sleeve
• Purchased CD labels and created them
• Learned about meta data
• Have had to tell 3 publications that were interested in promoting the God’s Word podcast, It will be up soon.
• Prepare press releases for podcasts

There are still things I need to do, of course promotion of the podcasts once they are up. The copy is going to the proofreader tomorrow, and the podcasts for the God’s Word website are in the hands of my co-hosts, or soon will be for their approval. This is a technicality that we will do away with once we get going with these.

• Learn how to bring them from libsyn and put them on my God’s Word site
• Learn how to make these easy for download
• Get an I tunes account and put the podcast on their through I tunes

Thrilled about learning and absolutely thrilled about these podcasts. It is a great marketing tool for God’s Word, and a wonderful way to share art related information with others.


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