Creating Videos, Podcasts And Art

I’m enjoying creating the videos and am just learning about all of the places to post them. Please keep coming back and checking on my productions. Future plans for production include

* Creating a mold and casting the Dick Hathaway memorial

* The travel to Vermont and the installation of the Dick Hathaway memorial ( I am searching for Vermont College and Goddard College alumni between Texas, where the studio is located and Montpelier, where the sculpture will be placed. I hope to shoot footage of the professor along the way).

* Creating the Newsboy ( this is a video version of what was created as a blog years ago)

* The inspiration behind each of the God’s Word Collectible Gift pieces

* A spiritual testimony

* The creative process and spiritual enlightenment, how do they go together

* Marketing in the arts

and the list goes on.

Of course I may be sidetracked by my podcasts that I want to create. These too will be on several topics, including an ongoing series called Generations. My daughter, my mother and I will be discussing different topics, Three generations of Christian women!

Meanwhile… I still must create. and I am thankful for the apprentices that have applied. Soon I will be introducing them.

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