Do You Want A Signed Book? A Virtual Book Signing

Not only could I sign the book, but it gave me the opportunity to add a few
more things to the box.

Today I created my first virtual book signing, thanks to an old friend.  How was this done? Well they contacted me and asked me to sell them a signed copy of my new book “3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling.”

I was delighted, and wondered if other family, friends and those in the arts might like one. You can, of course, purchase a copy from Amazon, but it won’t be signed by me, and if that matters to you then I would really like to accommodate you. I have made up this Pay Pal button for your convenience. Let’s see how this works.

Click on the image and let me know how you would like me to sign the book. The price includes shipping and handling and is about the same price as purchasing 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling on Amazon. $45 including signature and shipping.  The book is 44.95$ on Amazon.  Do go to Amazon and see all of the wonderful 5 star reviews.  And you don’t have to purchase a book from Amazon to review it. Amazon reviews matter and I would appreciate your review.

I would love to combine this sort of thing with an online lecture. Anyone interested?  Let’s talk.

Bridgette's book on 3D technology

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