Inspiring Young Women

For the last 3 years I have been asked to participate in encouraging young girls in math and science through a program called Expanding your Horizons in Math and Science.  Of course my rusty right arm Allison Faith Gonzalez has always come with me. Together we try to explore STEAM. We talk to the girls about Science, Technology Engineering, Art and Math .  Most people focus on STEM, but to me the Art component is very important.

What is an artist doing at a conference where pilots, biologists, engineers, and the others that are presenting? Well, you know if you have read my book 3D Technology In Fine Art and Craft, Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling that we work with math, and technology in the creation of my art.

I love the dinners that the Association of University Women, (AAUW) the organizers of this event, put on for the presenters. I was also glad to have a new intern with me Gabriel Martinez.

It was a fine time tonight. I’ll have to post more about our presentation titled Adventures Down the Rabbit Hole: Match Technology, Art and Alice in Wonderland, but that will come after we do present. For now, I’m just basking in the wonderful meal and wonderful people of (AAUW) and our exciting things we will doing. So glad to take this journey with Allison and now Gabby, a new intern. Let’s go inspire.

Here is what we did last year, talking to the girls about the math of Lewis CArroll and the technology we use with 3d Printing, 3D scanning, and 3D milling.  The girls have to have a hands on activity so we created these coolDodecahedron. Links provided in the post.

The year before that we did 3D scans of the girls hands and feet using a program called 123D Catch. They also got to see a wonderful video from Coco, a girl their age who built a 3D printer. Here is a video that I created about our first year.

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