New Podcast-

I have been working on pulling together all of the technical items for my new podcast station. I purchased months ago. We should have the first podcasts up for both channels? what does that mean? well basically there are two different areas that I want to podcast about. the first is of course about creativity, the business of art, sculpting etc. That will be on the Creative Endeavors Channel. Of course I would call it that. After all, that is also the name of this blog and the tv station on blip tv

The other channel is Inspirations and is sponsored by God’s Word Collectibles my gift line. This channel will be more spiritual in nature and will also present Generations a show presented by 3 generations of Christian women. The women? My daughter in Tulsa, my mother in NY and myself in Texas. It should be very interesting. I don’t know where it will go, but it seems to be very enticing to women’s media and marketing! I have wanted to do this for years, I thought it would be with writing as we are all writers, but this is easier. Mother is excited that she can do something to help others even while sitting home in her independent living facility. she does not do much in the way of ministry. Most of her strength is used for day to day living.

I hope you will join us and I’ll post as soon as it gets going. I know that both channels are not for everyone and there is a way to subscribe to each feed individually. I’ll post those details soon. Podcast on!

creative Christians logo for podcast
Creative Christians podcast
Inspiration Generations podcast by sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with co hose Christina Sizemore.
Inspiration Generation Podcast

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