Posts by admin
My New Apprentice And Getting Back To Dick Hathaway

It has been a while since the last Dick Hathaway post. I have been busy doing my writing for graduation. Still not done, but Dick was getting lonely down in the studio and my new apprentice Florencia was anxious to get going. So I have taken a break today to get back to Dick Hathaway. I sat down with Dick and had a chat, he understood perfectly. Getting my work done for residency is a priority.

Have I said how much I jump around while working on a sculpture? I think it made Florencia a bit nervous. Add a bit here and then work on this section, and yet there are section of Dick that have not been touched and in those cases I force myself not to look at them until I need to or until they affect something else that I am working on. When there are no more spots to jumps around to, I know I will be finished.
How Did Dick Feel About Time And Watches?
While working on Dick’s arms I began to notice that he wore a watch. Opposite wrist as mine, he wore his on his right wrist. I wondered what type of watch Dick Hathaway would have, would it be a Mickey Mouse watch, or would he be more formal? I also wondered how he felt about time. Are there any hathawayisms concerning time?
More Hathawayisms

Hathawayisms provided with permission from Tom Slayton
It was that amazing combination of brilliant wit, deep learning, and blather, that would turn a cymbidium orchid into what he called, “An iris that’s gone Episcopalian,” a bottle of ginseng tablets into “a placebo for intellectuals,” a plastic case for Star Wars figures as “a post-industrial fantasy item,”
Dick’s Smile Makes Me Smile

“My body is just something I use to carry around my head.”
A comment Dick used concerning exercise
I hope I have that hathawayism correct
Hey Dick, What’s Cooking?

I have not been back to work on the sculpture of Dick in over a week, instead I am writing about the process of finding Dick Hathaway and sculpting the deceased. Hopefully Dick and I will be reunited in a week or so. Until then I thought it appropriate to post a picture or two of our beloved friend and professor. Hey Dick, what’s cooking?
More Than Half Way

Jennifer is gone but, before she left she and I were able to make our way ½ way around Dick- his right hand and foot, right arm and leg. I’m taking a break from the sculpting to spend my days writing my black book for school- writing and sculpting. I have had this little dance my entire life. When I am sculpting I think of things I want to write and when writing I wish I were back sculpting. The push pull is not as bad as it used to be when I was younger. Now I enjoy the time doing each, and know the other ferments inside of me. It builds my passion to write or to sculpt.
This writing does give me less time to think on Dick and on Charlotte. I feel myself emotionally and physically distancing myself from them when I am upstairs in the office writing instead of down in the studio.
I have interviewed a new apprentice. We will see how that works out.
Goodbye Jennifer- I’m Now In The Market For A New Apprentice
My apprentice, Jennifer, had her last day today. I will miss her greatly! She was such a trooper, working diligently to improve my creation. Have fun in Key West Jennifer! A well deserved vacation.
Now I hope I can find someone to replace her. Someone who loves art and wants to learn. I love having apprentices. It is such an informal way to instruct and to learn. For the life of me I don’t know why we don’t have more of that sort of things these days. The lost art of apprenticeship.
Moving Around Dick Hathaway
The shirt on the side and part of back, as well as part of the pants on the right side of Dick have been roughed in and are ready for Jennifer to smooth out. The legs are far from being done.

I have added the roughed in right hand to see how the entire side works together. I am debating about making the right hand a bit higher and need to decide this, but major reconstruction and cutting of the underlying metal will have to be done to accommodate this. I have put the roughed in shoe under Dick. When the shoe is not there a coffee can supports the weight of Dick Hathaway. I can’t wait to get going on this lower leg. Now, with the shoe in place, I’ll be thinking about the entire area, shoe, pants, leg and right arm/hand. Everything is worked on while I look at my reference photographs of my fellow classmate that posed for me. YOU NEVER HAVE ENOUGH REFERENCE! Plus some of the pictures of the classmate pose has small changes that probably only I notice. And the left arm is not in the position that I would like so I have to be very creative with the other arm and hand. Presently no work has been done on the left arm and hand.

Jennifer groaned a little as she began to smooth out Dick. She is off on Tuesday so I am anxious to see how far she will get with smoothing out Dick through the week before her last day on Friday. Jennifer’s internship is a nonpaid internship and this has helped me tremendously in being able to donate my $16,000 to this project.
Beginning The Finalization of Dick Hathaway

As I said the mass of clay now really needs detail and attention. Prior to this Dicks front looked pouched and fat, but as I begin to carve the details of each fold, using the photographs of my classmate in the position, I can see things shaping up. I have placed real buttons on the clay to help me as a visual guide. Slowly I’ll move around the shirt and pants looking, comparing carving and adding. Somehow it all adds up. There is a good chance that the areas that I spent so much time on this week will be changed or modified as the rest of the sculpture takes shape.