Having A Wonderful Time With This!

I’m having a wonderful time with the new Art and Technology podcasts. We recorded our third one this morning. It is about 3D and copyright. A huge topic, and one that I think we will talk about quite often on this podcast. Here is a link to the case that we discussed along with our own experiences and thoughts about digital technology and copyright issues. Last week I had Materialise on the podcast and they shared their process and some of the incredible new things that will be around for artists working in 3D that want to get their artwork out of the computer.

Next week I have another exciting conversation. These are really fire side chats. Informal conversations on different aspects of digital sculpting, and traditional sculpting. The entrance line to the podcast is…

” Welcome to the art and technology podcast at digtialsculpting.net.
A fireside chat where innovation, creativity, technology and science meet.”

Now I just need to get the website up. I’m working diligently at this. It will be a community of artists talking about different subjects.

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