My Review of ZBrush 4

Recently I wrote a review on Zbrush 4 for Studio Monthly. Do check it out. Thank you to Yiannis Tyropolis and all the rest for their contribution of artwork for the article.

Yiannis Tyropolis was one of my favorite artists on the ZBrush 4 Beta team. This piece of work was not only created in ZBrush it was also rendered there.

Bridgette Mongeon-
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series Follow the artists on twitter Facebook Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

An Exploration Of The Self And Sacred

As part of my graduate studies I would like to present this video.  For those of you who are not aware, I am travel to Goddard in Vermont twice a year for graduate school.  I have a dual graduate study of writing and sculpting for a Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts. (MFAIA)   This semester I tried to go “outside of my box” a bit by creating this altar or sorts.  Of course this piece of artwork is only a part of this semester.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

What Is On My Marketing Check List?

Some wonder, “Do you sleep?” What are your marketing endeavors?

I do have a list in my head, but here are some I have going now, as well as some that I have achieved.

1. Contact SCBWI about letter of reference on marketing workshop
2. Post support material for marketing workshop
3. Twitter on posts about the above.
4. Research Christian Agents- Check out the video in the post Great Resources for Writers on Finding an Agent.
5. Must figure out how to redo the God’s Word website, and changing servers. Looking at different shopping cart options. ( HUGE UNDERTAKING. DEADLINE FOR CHANGING THE ENTIRE WEBSITE- END OF YEAR IF NOT SOONER! )
6. Help as many people as I can, because it is a good thing to do.
7. Schedule November Podcasts- all podcasts are marketing in one way or another.
8. Look into the new, wonderful terrific idea I had to support the writing of this present book. ( sorry guys can’t share this yet.)
9. Post on blog
10. Edit and put up podcast that was recorded last month to Budapest
11. Look at taking marketing workshops into online webinars.
12. Ride my daughter, because she is creating new marketing material for my fine art and taking a very, very long time to complete them. But I love her and am busy with other things.
13. Write a letter to the kids at Culture Shapers, this is more need to inspire than to market.
14. Research websites that can find and monitor tweets per subject.

Great Resources For Writers on Finding an Agent

The CBI Clubhouse, Home for Children’s Book Insider Readers posted some good marketing video on their website. Excellent resource. I’m pleased they has done it because I woke up this morning and decided to do the exact same thing and now I don’t have to.  Do look at their page. A wealth of information. 

Also ,here is a great article, which seems to be updated regularly that includes a list of Agents that represent Christian authors.

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

Did You Attend The Workshop? What Did You Think?

If you attended one of the two workshops at the Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators-Houston meeting, please send me your comments. I’d like to know what you thought and I can then post them here. Please include your name and description. You can send a small picture of yourself or one of your books, if published, but it is not necessary. But, if you have a website please include your URL so that I can post that link on this blog. We did not get to cover a lot of the Search Engine Optimization techniques, one is to having links to your website on other people’s blogs. I’d love to hear from you and help out with that.

Incredible! I love pop up books and to think Bruce is a member of my SCBWI- Houston group! Bruce Foster is the Paper Engineer, illustrations by Andrew Williamson and text by Lucy Kee

Great presentation last night bridgette.
Obviously, there is a lot more you have to share and I for one, am all ears!

Bruce Foster
Paper artist

Thanks Bruce, I am always so impressed with the quality of illustrators, and writers we have coming to our SCBWI- Houston meeting. I came home and told my husband about your incredible pop up books. Congratulations on the Harry Potter Pop Up Book Releasing November 16th. I went to your website and was also pleased to see you were using video to help market your books. We didn’t get to talk about that subject yet. GREAT MARKETING TOOL! I never heard the title “Paper Engineer,” but I have great respect for one.  I am an adult fan of pop up books.  It might be because I love anything miniature, and loved paper dolls.  Keep up the good work and we definitely have to explore more of the  marketing tools for writers.

Pat Miller is the programing cochair at SCBWI- Houston and author of several children books

Bridgette mongeon is a successful artist and promoter, and is determined to help others achieve the same success. Her upbeat workshop, guided assignments, and generous follow up information went far towards making us feel we can follow in her footsteps. Best of all, for us who are-less tech-savvy was her constant reassurances that she was on call if we needed more help.

Pat Miller, LMS

Thank you Pat.  I appreciate your enthusiasm.  Just went to your website and checked out your great children’s books.


Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast
Programming Co-Chair, SCBWI-Houston

Notes From The Marketing In The Arts Workshop Last Night

We covered a lot in the workshop on arts and marketing last night at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and illustrators- Houston.  Here is a list of some of my suggestions and links that others may be interested in. This was on the handout and may not make sense to everyone, especially those who missed the event.  I’m excluding the items we did not have time to cover.

Accountability If you want to make a change in your marketing efforts than accountability is the key.  Find an accountability partner or come by the forum and sign up and post your progress and questions. The forum is an informative place that I will be checking in. ( In 2020 the forum is replaced with a private facebook group for all of those who have taken the online marketing workshop webinars. ) It is like asking me questions and getting one on one help but instead with a community to help you as well. (In 2020 Bridgette replaced the forum with a private facebook group for all who have taken her webinars or workshops.)

Plan for Your Pony- Homework
List five people you admire who are doing what you want to be doing. Contact them and ask them how they got started and if they have any suggestions.
Find as many organizations that work with people who do what you want. Get their information and if possible join their organizations.
Search periodicals that are about what you want to do. Are there any clubs, computer forums?  Subscribe to them.
Do you have a list of competitors?  What are they doing?
What tools do you need? What are their cost, where do you get them?

To learn about how to market
your website and for
free submission you
must check out

Where can you gain more knowledge about the mechanics of what you want to do?
100 Ideas

I am committing to____hours of marketing___ days a week from now until_______.

We spoke about creating blogs and websites and about secure servers for selling items.

Here is you check list

  • Obtain a domain name
  • Create a site map
  • Write your content
  • Pick hosting company
  • Create you website- I highly suggest using a word press Website. It is easy to maintain.
  • Create meta data ( we did not get to cover this)
  • Promote (we did not get to cover this)  Though I did tell everyone to go to this incredible website called You will know you are at the right spot if you see tooter!  This little guy .

Some thoughts on blogs and websites

  • It is better to have one under your own domain name. but having something is better than having nothing at all.
  • To find a domain name go to Network Solutions and check it out.
  • Cost of a domain name registration $15.00, but some hosting companies will give you that for signing up.
  • Cost of webs hosting $4.95-8.95 and up.  ( Little cost, price depends on hosting companies) I use hostgator.
  • Cost- Learning curve- there will be one.
  • WordPress 101 has some great Videos on getting started in WordPress.  My friend Shawn just asks for a donation and half of that goes for breast cancer awareness as he supports his sister’s fight with breast cancer. Check out the videos. Shawn also suggested Hundred Buck Website or  Though you can just go to hostgator and ask them to sign you up and put up a wordpress blog and then just start creating it.  If you have questions Hostgator is pretty helpful but won’t talk to you about the wordpress portion of it after the blog is on and you get your admin panel. Then I would suggest Shawn’s tutorials and if you have questions you can also post them on the forum.

If you have a book published check out Amazon’s author pages. Get one yourself.

We learned about RSS feed- here is a great video that I use to show people about RSS Feed.

I also gave  the following links to assist you in your marketing efforts.

To help you to write down your thoughts and gather your information I love clustering.  Learn more about clustering from Gabriele Lusser Rico

One to One- This is the best thing for apple users.  Need guidance all the way through making your website or blog, creating a podcast or other things. Check this out. Incredible.  Check out this video on One to One. Sorry PC people this incredible resource is only available to Mac.

Don’t forget to check out HARO which is great for gathering information for articles and also finding a place to pitch your own work.  Here is a video on HARO that I created. This topic was actually in our first workshop.

We did not have time to go over SEO Search Engine Optimization, Marketing with Articles, Twitter, Video, Podcast and others.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

I Was Glad to Encourage At The Society of Children’s Book Writers And Illlustrators-Houston. Here Is How To Keep That Motivation

Thank you all at the  Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)- Houston for having me out to speak for the second session of Marketing in the Arts. Many have been posting on the SCBWI list serve today with brains overflowing with thoughts about all that we talked about. I am sad to say that time was short and we were only able to get to half of the presentation. Perhaps we will have to continue next year.

I have stated, in the past, that this marketing workshop is intended for longer interactive sessions. Thus the reason why so many had the “Deer in the headlight look about them.” If you missed last night or part one or are unclear about some things, don’t fear. Here are some suggestions. Head over to the and become a member. (NOTE TO SELF: create a short video that walks people through the steps of being a forum member and the importance.) ( In 2020 the forum was replaced by an online private facebook group Marketing in the Arts and Small Business.) There are several reasons for this instruction. First, if you pose a question on the forum you create a thread. A thread basically is a thought or question that others can chime in on. So if Jill is having trouble making her “Jack is a Dunce for falling up a hill” blog then we can all offer our ideas and suggestions. I’ll try to come to the forum on a regular basis and chime in. I’ll also post the notes from the marketing workshop on a thread and in my blog, as well as other helpful information and links that I find that are inline with this subject.

Remember when you are on a forum, that you should put your website or blog link into your post signature. That way you have a link to your blog on someone else’s website. This helps with traffic to your site and SEO (Search Engine Optimization. ) Another subject that we did not have time to fully talk about last night. Also, ask the members of the forum to come and see your blog or website. We can all chime in. And this can be a great place for accountability. Just like NANOWRIMO National Novel Writing Month it is about having a community or an individual that you can be accountable to. I highly recommend that.

I am more than happy to assist you in navigating this marketing labyrinth , but I have reasons for answering questions through the forum. My biggest reason is that often the same question gets asked over and over again. If I answer it on the forum, then those coming into the forum can read it and learn from our conversation. This saves me a lot of time. Also others can help to answer your question.

I am a sculptor, illustrator, writer, speaker, podcast host, owner of a small business and graduate student. As many say, over and over again, in the last two sessions, “When do you sleep?” It is true, I am very, very busy, therefore I could not conduct personal consultation as it takes away from my own creative time and… I would hate to charge for it. My speaking and conference appearances are what I charge for. (Though, FYI, I am known to chat over a meal, especially breakfast. I love going out to breakfast.) Another suggestion would be to have me come to do some of this workshop at your conference, with break out sessions to meet with individuals. I don’t know who would be in charge of that, but if you are interested be sure to let the “powers that be” know.

I want to encourage you all to proceed with your marketing. I have given you a lot of direction, but the point is to do something toward marketing yourself. If you have trouble figuring out just one thing to start check out the article, “100 things to do to market myself.”

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to
The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the
Art and Technology Podcast

100 Marketing Ideas

As part of my workshop in Marketing in the Arts, which is good for any business, not just for artists, I cover in detail a lot of the things listed below.  But I thought it would be helpful to have a list of “100 Things I Can Do to Market Myself.”  That way if you are have a slow day and want to be productive you can cull through the list and do something.  You are welcome to reprint this list with the credit and link to this site.

100 Ways to Market Myself- by Bridgette Mongeon

  1. GENERAL: Print out “100 Things to Market Yourself” from or blog
  2. Engage every day in at least one marketing activity.
  3. Get organized—create a marketing notebook, with plan, etc.
  4. Develop a marketing plan or calendar with to do lists.
  5. Brainstorm- What can I do to help build my platform?
  6. Brainstorm- What is my branding?
  7. Brainstorm- Do I have more than one branding or platform?
  8. Write marketing materials- for brochures, websites etc.
  9. SETTING GOALS: What are my goals? Define them.
  10. Write them down in marketing notebook.
  11. Go to sign up for the marketing forum and check in or post a question — Accountability.
  12. PRINT: Make business cards.
  13. Give away business cards.
  14. Create other printed material as needed- brochures etc.
  15. Create a print media kit.
  16. Have a publicity photo taken – or several.
  17. INTERNET: Subscribe to an internet user group.
  18. Sign up for google reader.
  19. Join a list serve.
  20. Join a group or website that is pertinent to my target market.
  21. Create a signature for my e mails with my web address/blog etc.
  22. Create a signature to use whenever I respond to an online post.
  23. Look into selling product online.
  24. Explore Paypal/shopping carts.
  25. Social book mark articles or posts.
  26. Join Facebook– link it to my blog and twitter.
  27. Join Linked in- link it to my blog and twitter.
  28. Join other groups pertinent to your target market.  Link it to my blog and twitter.
  29. Does my writers group, publisher, artists group etc. offer any ways to promote through an online blog or website? Link your blog and twitter account there.
  30. Start collecting a list.
  31. Think about writing an E book that you  can sell on the internet and supports your platform.
  32. Start an online newsletter. www.
  33. DEFINE YOUR MARKET: Identify a new target market .
  34. Examine trends and how they relate to your target market.
  35. WEBSITES: Collect information for a website
  36. Develop a web address- register
  37. Work on your site map
  38. Create a website
  39. Create an online media kit
  40. Submit your website to directories
  41. Develop your search engine optimization key words and phrases- meta tag information.
  42. Spend time on Self submitting your information and promoting your site.
  43. Create a way to collect a list.
  44. Develop an email newsletter.
  45. Create an online media kit with press photographs.
  46. Come up with a list of media questions that can be asked.
  47. Create an online list of works published.
  48. Create an online list of publicity received.
  49. BLOGS: Start a blog.
  50. Commit to regular updates on blog daily, weekly, monthly.
  51. How can I tie in current events or seasons with my target market and blog?
  52. Take photographs that will accompany your blog posts.
  53. Focus on out how to get people to come back to your blog. What will you offer that your target market needs to keep coming back for?
  54. EDUCATION: Go the the  forums and read some of the information on marketing in the arts that is there. ( In 2020 Bridgette replaced the forum with a private online facebook group at Marketing in the Arts and Small Business)
  55. Educate yourself on marketing- Doing searches on the web for articles that will educate you.
  56. Spend time at learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  57. Spend an hour at the Small Business Administration Website learning about business and marketing.
  58. Take a free class at the SBA.
  59. Spend an hour at the Score Website take a free class
  60. Spend an hour at the Small Business Development website Sign up for a free class  (This link is for Houston- locate one in your area.)
  61. Go to Publicity hound and sign up for free information on marketing and press releases.
  62. Brainstorm with a friend or consultant about marketing alternatives.
  63. Learn a program—Word Press, photo editing program, newsletter program that will assist you with your marketing.
  64. Go to different publishers websites like Simon & Schuster and learn about marketing your work.
  65. TWITTER: Create a twitter account
  66. Create a scheduled twitter account with one of the companies like Twaitter
  67. Designate an hour a week to schedule tweets pertaining to your target market.
  68. Tweet your blog posts.
  69. Connect with other twitters pertinent to your target marketing.
  70. Watch others with programs that are similar to your target market.
  71. Find other important information to retweet about.
  72. ARTICLES: Write Free articles that support your goals or target market- post them on the web . (Be sure to include a link back to your site.)
  73. Write articles that make you an “expert in your field.”
  74. PODCASTS: Search out podcast pertinent to your target market and send them an e-mail.
  75. Resend e-mails if no response.
  76. Post links to podcasts that you have been on. Twitter about them and put them on your blog.
  77. Create your own podcast or create it under an umbrella organization that is pertinent to your market.
  78. VIDEOS: Create a Vlog.
  79. Create a video interview.
  80. Create  book trailer.
  81. Create an online portfolio.
  82. PRESS RELEASES: Gather media contacts for press release.
  83. Find free distributions for press releases.
  84. Write press releases.
  85. Submit Press Release snail Mail.
  86. Submit Press Release e-mail.
  87. Think of how “seasonal” information will help you with your press releases.
  88. Come up with ways to help others while promoting your self ( human interest stories).
  89. SOCIAL: Connect with someone who will support your endeavors.
  90. “Plan for your pony” by going to a conference.
  91. Talking to other who do what you want to do.
  92. Send thank you cards to those who you have come in contact with.
  93. Appear on a panel at a professional meeting.
  94. Create interesting articles, flyers, or activities for your target market.
  95. Join an arts organization that supports your direction.
  96. Remember that contacts can be found anywhere.
  97. Develop a speech to give.
  98. Create an online webinar.
  99. PUBLICITY: Look at Haro on a regular basis to see if you fit any of the needs.
  100. Look into getting featured in a magazine, newspaper on your platform.
  101. Is there a way I can partner with someone else, or a business to further my marketing?
  102. Be nice and think of someone else. Keep their needs in mind when promoting and you will find it comes back to you!

If you would like to know more about these concepts or about marketing for your business, arts or ministry, please visit the Marketing in the Arts Forum If you would like Ms. Mongeon to come to your group  or conference to present the material in the marketing in the Arts workshop please fee free to contact her directly.


Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

Podcast With National Novel Writing Month

Had this fun interview with National Noel Writing Month and also Write Nonfiction in November. I hope you like the podcast. It is for my Creative Christian Podcast for my God’s Word Collectible Gift series. You can check out others that we have done on a variety of subjects on the God’s Word website.

An Interview with National Novel Writing Month and Write Nonfiction in November.

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to
The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the
Art and Technology Podcast

Entertaining Oxford At The CS Lewis Conference

Apparently at the end of the first evening at the writers conference there is something called Bag End Cafe.  Basically this is an open mic event.  Just prior to this event a gentelman arrived looking rather haggled walking with a cane. He had traveled from Oxford.  I was intrigued with his look and it made me want to hold him still and sculpt him.  His name is Malcome Guite and he read this poem.

by Malcolm Guite

My poetry is jamming your machine

It broke the photo-copier, I’m to blame,

With pictures copied from a world unseen.

My poem is in the works–I’m on the scene

We free my verse, and I confess my shame,

My poetry is jamming your machine.

Though you berate me with what might have been,

You stop to read the poem, just the same,

And pictures, copied from a world unseen,

Subvert the icons on your mental screen

And open windows with a whispered name;

My poetry is jamming your machine.

For chosen words can change the things they mean

And set the once-familiar world aflame

With pictures copied from a world unseen

The mental props give way, on which you lean

They world you see will never be the same,

My poetry is jamming your machine

With pictures copied from a world unseen

I love it.

Yes, I got up and read “God’s Will and God’s Way.”

Not many people read, but still it was fun.  Someone read from a recent blog post about being at the CS Lewis event and finding roaches in her room.  She is from Missouri.  We have big bugs in Texas and when you are in the middle of the woods.  Well , it happens.  I hope no one tells her they fly.  Yes, some of our roaches fly. Just the really big ones.  And I don’t know why, but they fly right at you.  It was a rather humorous and touching story of her enduring this for her creative journey.  It was a good night.  I’m wondering if I’ll be up for breakfast or even earlier for prayer. Many great speakers for the Friday schedule.

I’m headed off to bed, thought I must say walking past the fire pits left me with longing. I so want to have a fire.  And there was all of that wood just sitting next to the pit.  DARN YOU BURN BAN!  I am thankful I am an Episcopalian and that at Camp Allen they allow wine.  The merlot was a wonderful surprise to my evening. Even if it is in a coffee cup.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to
The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the
Art and Technology Podcast