SCBWI Presentation Will Turn Into An Online Webinar! Marketing in The Arts- Stay tune!

Part one of the Marketing in the Arts workshop for the Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Houston Group went well. It is a lot of information to take in for a short period of time. It is usually meant as a workshop to break off and do the homework and then come back to the group and work on the next step. I feel I might have overwhelmed some people, but all looked like they were excited to get to work on their marketing campaigns for their art. We continue next month and all are welcome to attend.

For those who might have missed the event. I’m working on a remedy to that. Funny how things happen. As I was working on the presentation I came down with what appears to be vertigo. And so I felt compelled to think in another direction. I decided to offer this workshop as an online webinar. If you are interested please let me know and I’ll contact you when it is available.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

A Conglomeration Of Things…

A conglomeration of things…

I’m excited about some of the up and coming interviews that are happening with both podcasts.  For the inspiration Generations podcast we will be talking to Budapest. Yes, first France and now Budapest! How exciting.

The Art and technology podcasts have some exciting possibilities as well.  Now to fit all of these people into production schedules.

The office has been busy with some tech problems and am trying desperately to fix them- crashed hard drive.  I’m falling behind on things but will get back on track soon.


Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

Free Lecture On Marketing In The Arts

Need some direction? A little
guidance in finding your way
through the marketing and
public relations maze?
Be sure to catch my lecture at SCBWI

On Monday October 4th 2010 and again on Monday November 01 2010 I will be speaking to the Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Houston Group about Marketing in the arts

This is fee lectures and though it is catered to writers, the tools that will be shown here will apply to all people who are working in the arts, and small businesses. This is only a part of a weekend long hands-on workshop that I have created and present to groups. Though the time at the SCBWI meetings is short I will try to put as much information into the time allotted as possible.

Some things that we will discuss are:
* Marketing and public relations basics
* Internet marketing
* Websites
* Social Marketing

Meetings begin at 7:00p.m.
Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter Dr.
Houston, Texas 77042-5213

Here is a google map for your convenience.

If your arts organization, small business, or networking group would like me to come and speak. Please contact me through the contact form at


Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspirtaion/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

Do You Want To Learn To Podcast?

Podcasting with Bridgette Mongeon
Podcasting takes a little investment of
time and money but is worth it!

Over the years, I have had many different people ask me, “How do you podcast?”   Some are professionals that see the advantages of podcasting, others are ministries that would like to use podcasting to expand their influence and reach out to others.

Why podcast?

Recently someone asked me, “What are the advantages to podcasting?”  First I think it gives you access to many different resources within the fields that you are interested.  Like writing, it portrays you as an expert in your field.  And it is a wonderful way to get a message across, or help with marketing your product.  It is also an educational tool.

How to podcast?
That is a good question. My podcasts began and morphed into what they are now. They were developed through trial and error.  Because I am an educator at heart, I wanted to pass on this information to others.  I have always been the person who has said, “show me what you have done, Then I can do it myself.” I am preparing a how -to video on podcasting.  In it, I will take you through the process step-by step.  I expect it to be available within a month or so.

Who are the guests?
It is great to be able to talk to so many people all over the world.  The guests for a podcast can be a neighbor, someone in your church, or aim high and ask whomever you choose.  We have received interviews from as far away as Australia, France, and England.  Meeting new people and hearing about what they are doing is one of the best parts of podcasting.

Inspiration Generations podcast by sculptor Bridgette Mongeon with co hose Christina Sizemore.
Inspiration Generation
Podcast was our first podcast.
Three generations of Christian
women share their thoughts
about different issues and aspects of life.


A Ministry
Podcasting started as a ministry for me.  A home bound almost invalid mother ministered from her chair in her assisted living facility through phone conversations with her daughter, myself, and granddaughter. Inspirations/Generations – Three Generations of Christian Women Share their thoughts about different issues and aspects of life.  What was just conversations between three women on different topics turned into interviews with such people as Dr. Gary Chapman, Ruth Graham, Olympic Gold medal winner Scott Hamilton, and many others.

creative Christians logo for podcast
The Creative Christians podcast
morphed from the Inspirations/Generations

Mother passed August 17 of 2009, but the podcasts continued.  The dynamics changed a bit, and new things were added.

Sparked by my own intrigue and research into the creative process, we introduced The Creative Christian’s Podcast.  Again interviewing some incredible people and adding a regular interview with Dr. Suz a psychologist dealing with Creative and Inspirational issues.


Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon is the host of Art and Technology podcast
Art and Technology podcast-
A fireside chat where art
and technology meet.

I was  promoted by my own intirigue and graduate study to start the  Art and Technology Podcast.  – A Fire Side Chat where art and technology meet. I have enjoyed exploring the different aspects of this topic and I look forward to what the future holds for this podcast.

Podcasting does take a little bit of time, very little money, and without some training, the learning curve can be grueling. But you will have my videos to help, and you will soon be experience the many advantages and adventures of podcasting.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker.  Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

The Most Useful Free Program For The Mac!

I love this program. I use it when creating in many different ways. Sure, some programs try to replicate this, but frankly this is much easier to use. What is it? It is called PhotoStickies. I’m including the description from the devon-technologies website Here is my quick description. A program that allows you to display photographs on your desktop. It also allows you to quickly change size and even opacity. What does that mean? If I am working in Zbrush or Mudbox and I want to be able to see the reference photographs of someone or something as I am working on them or If I want to have a variety of photographs up at one time. I can do this with PhotoStickies. And I can change the opacity of the photograph, bring it to the front and place it right over my work area of another program! Just in case I’m checking my accuracy. Amazing.

I am sure you can find many ways to use this free Mac program. Sorry. I don’t know of anything like this for the PC.


PhotoStickiesPhotoStickies gives you unique access to your favorite pictures. Use PhotoStickies to put all your favorite pictures on your desktop in the form of floating (even borderless) stickies. You may pull pictures for these stickies from your hard drive, or the Internet. PhotoStickies also displays webcam images live on your desktop, updating them automatically. You can even use PhotoStickies to record web cams for later viewing, or make a web cam your desktop picture.


* Displays all image formats supported by Mac OS X
* Displays images from your hard drive or the web
* Shows images as stickies or as your desktop wallpaper
* Edit images using live effects, like transparency or color correction
* Record streaming webcam images for later viewing
* Discover new places with an Internet-based list of webcams
* Can run as a menu extra

How to Prepare For A Writers Conference

Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been shy about meeting people. When it comes to sculpting, I’m not shy or intimidated about showing my work, but a writers conference opens up a different ball game!

Most conferences offer opportunities for individuals to have their work critiqued or even to sign up for consultations with agents, or publishers. To take full advantage of the money that you are spending at a conference, I would assume that you should also jump over this cliff. There is no fear there, right?

So I could not help but wonder, How do I prepare?

Searching online I found a couple of helpful articles.
In A way with Word Writing blog Rene Gray Wilburn offers suggestions in her article Preparing for a Writer’s Conference.

Of course some of the items in this article seem simple enough. Research the publishers, editors and authors who will be present. I would like to do this, and if possible interview a couple of them for the online creative Christians podcast before the workshop.

Bridgette Mongeon talk on art and technology

Interviewing a publisher, especially a Christian publisher, as well as an agent is something that I have wanted to do for my podcast. For those of you who don’t know I have been podcasting since 2008. I have an inspirational podcast. I also recently developed and we a Creative Christians podcast where we interview people about the subject of Creativity. We have had some great names on the podcast Author of The love Languages books, Dr. Gary Chapman, Billy Graham’s Daughter, Ruth Graham, Olympic gold metal winner and author, Scott Hamilton and just recently conducted a podcast all the way to Taize France. There are, of course, many more influential and not so influential, but very inspirational guests. For a complete list, you can find them at my collectibles website. God’s Word Collectibles is the sponsor of the podcast.

Digging a little deeper, I found this article written by Ginny Wiehardt about Conference pitches as she interviews an Editorial Director of Random House children’s books.

So it is on. I have almost two months to prepare for my first writers conference. Here we go.

My goals
1. Write 2-3 pitches. This is also called the “Elevator pitch.”
2. Memorize this pitch and practice giving it.
3. Create a one sheet
4. Research publishers and editors, and if possible interview them.
5. Create thank you cards for those that I meet. Have them ready for my return.

Attending My First Writer’s Conference

I’m planning on attending my first writer’s conference. The C.S. Lewis Retreat and Writers Conference is Thursday October 28, 2010 at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas.

Most people know me as a sculptor or speaker. Some know me as a writer for magazines. I have written nonfiction for nearly 25 years. In 2004, I assisted Mike de la Flor on his book, The Biomedical Digital Illustration Handbook. I enjoyed writing the chapters on the schools, education and professionals in the industry.  This past year Mike and I worked on a book together, Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques.

Fiction book writing is, however, a new journey for me.  But over the years, secretly I have been writing other things as well.  I have numerous children’s books that I have written.  I have often described myself as a mix of Dr. Suess, Shel Silversteine and Jim Hanson. I like nonsensical fun children’s stories, but often they come with a lesson.  Usually with a more educational, psychological or spiritual lesson.

And this past year and a half I have been working on two young adult novels.
As part of this new journey and commitment, I have done the following

If I was asked, who I’d like to have been.
I’d aspire to be Shel Silverstein….

 Mixed with another I could deduce
A helping smidgen of Dr. Seuss

 Educating children would be sweet
I wish I’d created Sesame Street.

 So truly if asked who I’d like to have been
My reply would then be seussyhensstein.

  1. Committed to writing 20-30 minutes every day- For the most part, I write much more than that, but I have been trying commit that much time to the novels and creative writing.
  2. Joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators organization.  I have been trying to attend as many meetings as possible.
  3. I’m also working on illustrating my own children’s books. This I feel, is the biggest hindrance to me submitting the works. I am, after all, an artist. It is difficult for me to let someone else illustrate them.

The results of my first two commitments lead into this next commitment- Attend writers conferences.

Our first writer’s conference was the ApalloCon Houston.  It is a  science fiction, fantasy and horror conference.

We were invited by a friend, Marilyn Schindler Carren. Her husband, a screenwriter, was on a panel at the conference.  My husband has always wanted to write science fiction. Attending was something we could do together. It was also an exploration into a new, creative direction.

The C.S. Lewis writer’s conference seems like a good fit for me. For one thing, I like C.S. Lewis. To me, the name stands for someone who has an imagination, who can think outside of the box, and who is willing to entertain “different” ideas.  That is a good fit for the most recent novel, as it is quite edgy.

Now, on to figure out how to prepare for this conference.

A Free Digital Sculpting Program

A new program called Sculptris is available. Sculptris 1.0 for free download.

Though this article on Pixologic’s website states that they acquired Sculptris and it will be known as Sculptris Alpha 5. I can’t help but wonder why this was purchased by Pixologic. Was it to stop competition?The creator Tomas Petterson is relocating to California from Sweden. This can only mean advancements in the upcoming versions of Z brush. How far can this program go? Looking at the way Sculptris works as compared to Zbrush has peeked my interest. I’m a traditional sculptor. I don’t want to have to worry about zspheres or such. I just want to take clay and sculpt. Zbrush can be frustrating in this area. Even with the newest upgrade I thought, Oh yes, now mannequins I can pose and then I can get right into the sculpting. They are not as easy as taking a lump of clay and sculpting.  Though the digital world has spoiled me. I want to be able to sculpt symmetrically on my posed figure.  It will be interesting to see how Zbrush changes and what this brings to the table at Pixologic

This is a Windows application only

UPDATE 2020 Sculptris is now owned by pixologic. It is still free.