Back To A Panther Sculpture
I have recently been asked about the possibilities of taking the panther that I created for Prairie View A & M and making it into a smaller version or perhaps even jewelry. Of course the traditional process of sculpting a smaller version of the panther is always possible. But that process means a mold and casting and as a table top version the cost of this process can run a couple thousand dollars. I’m open to exploring other options.
With the melding of digital technology in my traditional sculpture studio optional technology is definitely a possibility that I am curious to explore. If you follow the blog on the Panther Project you know that the original panther design was created in the computer, and enlarged by SNYAPPSYS Digital services in foam. Clay was added to the foam for the final version. It was then put through the traditional mold making process for bronze casting.
This digital process of enlarging expedites my work tremendously. The difficulty is that digital models, as seen in the computer, rarely translate well to real life. There were many modifications that I did on the large panther. As the blog shows, I carved on the foam, accentuated muscles and features so that it would translate well into bronze and in some places even lengthened or added to the figure. I also modified the pose.
So, I’m back to the digital drawing board. I am opening the original file of the panther and comparing it to my traditional bronze piece. My goal will be to do more work on the digital version and experiment with printing it using the 3D printing process.
The program that I am sculpting in is ZBrush. I’m exploring the new features that are available in Zbrush 4R4 that were not available when I created the panther just a year ago. Features like QRemesher that helps me to retopologize the panther, or fix the geometry, so that I can create a better digital sculpture. I’ll report back on how the digital sculpting progresses, as well as how the 3D printing process comes along.
Project blog for the Prairie View Panther can be found at
A Sculpture of Neil Armstrong For Russia
I have been working diligently on this project.
Recently a sculpture of Yuri Gagarin was donated by individals in Russia and placed here in Houston Texas. I was chosen by Sophya Tabarovski of Kindness Without Limits to now create a sculpture of Neil Armstrong that will be sent to Russia. A space has already been dedicated on Russian soil, and is ready to receive this sculpture. I hope to begin the physical sculpture of the project very soon. I have already been working on the digital design in the computer.
There was someone in Russia who wanted to buy the sculpture to be placed, but both Sophya and I felt that since Russia gave us a sculpture of Yuri Gagarin, America should give this gift of Neil Armstrong to Russia. And so, I joining forces with Sophya to target individuals who are interested in making a tax deductible donation to this project.
We have developed a project website called United in Space which lists all of the details and will hold the documentaiton of this project.
There are several donation levels that can be found on the website. I am going to list them below, but please also look at the United in Space website for more details. We have also put video and information about the Gagarin Sculpture on the blog on the United in Space website.
NOTE: If you should know of anyone who might like to cover this story, or if you should know of a business that has a vested interest in relationships between these two countries, we would greatly appreciate you passing this information on to them or drop us a line and let us know.
Donation Levels
Lunar Module- $25,000
Your companies name will be engraved in the sculpture by the artist as part of the art. It will forever reside below the artists name. Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as a donor, and mentioned on our website. You will receive a special gift from the United in Space committee. Only three of these are available.
Command Module- $10,000
Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as a donor to the project, and mentioned on our website. You will receive a special gift from the United in Space committee.
Service Module- $5,000
Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as donor and mentioned on our website.
Under $5,000
Your name will be mentioned on our website.
How To Donate
By Mail
Tax deductible checks can be made out and mailed to
Kindness Without Limits
Please indicate-Neil Armstrong Sculpture in the memo of your check
P.O. Box 320564
Houston, Texas 77282-0564
Read more on the process blog for this project found at
A Wonderful Lecture- From Fabric to Frankenstein- Thanks For Asking Me To Speak
Thank you to Archway Gallery and the ladies of 3-D Arts Houston for asking me to present Bridging the Gap Between Digital and Traditional Sculpture – Fabric to Frankenstein.
For those of you not familiar -this topic discusses how artists are using digital technology in their traditional art processes. I talk about how I use it in my sculpting studio and how other artists around the world are using the technology. There is a lot of basics, but also a lot of information in this lecture. We end the lecture talking a little bit about the ethics of 3D technology especially as it pertains to regenerative medicine and how one artist has brought this to other people’s attention through what I refer to as Frankenstenien art. The lecture also focuses on more than technology and art, but also on the psychology behind how a traditional artist embraces the new technology, ownership and other points of interest. I especially like having so many different artist featured in the lecture. I’m always looking for new artwork from artists using the technology. So even though I will repeat this lecture elsewhere, don’t be surprised if you find it contains more artwork from more artists.
The presentation at Archway was a small group, and a bit different from presenting that same lecture at 3DCAMP Houston while also acting as Vice Chairwoman of the event. Needless to say, I was very relaxed and loved presenting in an atmosphere of art and with such an intimate group of creative people. Our group and space at Archway allowed us the opportunity to have an informal discussion on some of the topics. I was glad that the group left with their brains spinning and a bit dazed at the amount and type information presented. I did my job. I was also excited to be able to hint at another topic that I have spoken on before about the sculpting of the deceased and the undergraduate research that I did that explained the science behind what some refer to as psychic. How do we have an emotional reaction to a piece of art? That is what that topic explains. It also talks about the unusual things that transpire around such commissions. I guess between the two topics it was very appropriate for the month of October. Maybe they will ask me back to talk about that topic.
This morning I received a notice from one of the the members of 3-D Artists Houston group.
Hi Bridgette,
Thank you so much for coming to speak to our 3-D Arts Houston group at Archway last night. We were a smallish but very interested group. I think you opened many eyes and minds to new, fantastic and wonderous things. If they are like me these new ideas incorporating technological tools will be rushing around in their brains for weeks. This happened to me after your first talk years ago at Lone Star Art Guild and again after 3-D camp and my visit to TxRx labs.The new fabrication processes you explained are like a whole new toolbox for creating. I have to learn to use the 3-d modelling tools! We appreciate that you took time out of a super busy week to make your presentation to us. It was a great success with our members. Thank you for sharing your artwork and very bright intellect with us.
Artist Cindy Rasche
For those of you who did attend the lecture I have added my notes in another blog post.
This lecture is great for many different groups, artists, sculptor, those working in 3D or those wanting to learn more about technology. If you are interested in having me present at your group on this topic of any of the other topics I speak on, please feel free to contact me.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter and
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast
Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.
A Replay of my Lecture at 3DCAMP at Archway Gallery

Some of you may have missed the incredible experience of 3DCAMP on September 29th at the University of Houston campus. I cannot recreate the entire experience of 3DCAMP Houston 2012, as it was very amazing, however, I have been asked by 3-D Arts Houston group to come to present the lecture Bridging the Gap Between Digital and Traditional Sculpture – Fabric to Frankenstein at Archway Gallery 2305 Dunlavy St. Houston, TX 77006 on October 17th . Wine and snacks will be served at 6:00 with the presentation lasting until 7:30.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter and
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast
Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.
Notes From Bridgette Mongeon’s Lecture at 3DCAMP Houston 2012
Thanks to everyone who attended my lecture at 3DCAMP- Bridging the Gap Between the Digital and Traditional Studio and Fabric to Frankenstein.
I really enjoyed presenting and interacting with all of the attendees.
In my lecture I spoke about a few different things. I thought I would list them with links in case anyone wanted to have further information.
- I spoke a bit about my process of using 3D and how I got involved. I covered my use of Poser, Daz , Mudbox and ZBrush in my presentations and then in obtaining enlargements that were milled with a CNC machine in foam. I have a YouTube video on this, should anyone be interested. It is on my YouTube channel and called Digital Art For the Traditional Sculpture Studio
- I also showed another video in the lecture that demonstrated quick sketches in Mudbox.
- If anyone is interested in some of those processes I have several special project blogs where I document my work. For example:
Project Blog-Evelyn Rubenstein
Project Blog- Prairie View Panther
Project Blog-Grambling State Tiger
- I talked about Data Direct to Mold from Synappsys Digital Services. Here is a pdf of an article that I wrote for Sculpture Review that talks about that process and the digital technology and the work on the large sculpture by Shan Gray called “The American.”
- There are several links to information on the work created by Hauer and the reproductions of his panels in this article: Reviewing Technology at the SIGGRAPH Convention.

- The Mudbox book that I wrote with Mike de la Flor is called Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists.
- I also mentioned about ethics and digital process and spoke about the Frankenstenian art. I have several posts about that, but I would suggest you listen to the podcast that I did with Oron Catts. You can find the link to the podcast in this blog post titled A discussion on living art with sculptor Oron Catts. You will find a link to the podcast that I recorded with him in this blog post. It is fascinating. Here is another article I wrote titled Frankensteinian Art.
- The video that was playing in the conference room that also impressed me on regenerative medicine is with Gabor Forgacs. It can be found on You Tube. It is what I found a few years back when I asked myself the question, ” if you can shove anything through a 3d printer…?”
- The book I referred to in the lecture is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. The authors website has a lot of information about ethics as it pertains to human subjects.
- The school that I am so impressed with that does 3d printing in ceramics is Solheim Laboratories. There was an article about them in the Ceramic Arts Daily. I forgot to mention that several hackers are working on extruders that can be added to the home made printer the the rep rap machine.
- I also spoke about ownership. I should probably write an article about ownership as it pertains to the psychological process of transferring from traditional sculpting to digital. I don’t have one yet. I do, however, have some works on the copyright issues. Antiquities, Masterpieces, Rights of Ownership and 3D Scanning is an article I wrote, but I did not get to talk about this in the lecture. I’m including it here because it intrigues me.
- I also mentioned about 3D and copyrights. I did podcast about that with Kevin Gillespie and that can be found in this blog post. All of the Art and Technology podcasts can be found at
- There are several companies that can “Get your work out of the computer.” The company that does my CNC milling is Synappsys Digital Services. They are in Oklahoma. I will however be pricing my work out with Steve at Smash Designs because he is local and I just discovered he offers these services
- There are several companies that create work from the computer. I mentioned my favorite was imaterialize. I think because I podcasted with Joris Debois and because they come from .mgx which does such quality work. FYI I think that .mgx is working in the largest build envelope (size) of rapid prototyping. They are also working with foundries in American to create a new sort of process. You all saw Kraftwurx at the conference and there is Shapeways as well.
- For information on stone CNC milling check out the Digital Stone Project. There is also a service bureau that stemmed from the Digital Stone Project. I’ll include it once they contact me. While I was e-mailing them I asked them for a podcast interview- stay tuned.
- Some of the artists I talked about were Robert Lazarini- skull and phone booth – optical illusion, Nathalie Miebach- weaving data, David Beck- gps of friends, David VanNess- 3dprinting multiple pieces, Caleb Weintraub- cnc milling of large figures and adding stuff to it. Eric Van Straaten 3d printed fine art a bit risque, Stelarc- freaky guy with ear on his arm, Orron Catts – coat of skin- see interview and above.
- If I think of any more I’ll let you know.
Thanks once again for coming to my lecture and also for supporting 3DCAMP Houston 2012. If you know of anyone who would like me to speak on these topics or others please feel free to contact me.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter and
Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.
Fox Coverage of 3DCAMP Houston 2012
I thought I would share the unexpected coverage that 3DCAMP Houston 2012 received this year. Here is the FOX Houston news coverage. More posts on the incredible things that happened at 3DCAMP Houston, 2012 to come.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter and
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast
Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast
Everything 3D- An All day Houston Symposium For Just $15
- 3DCAMP is for everything and everyone interested in all things 3D
- There are 15 speakers
- Many vendors who are bringing new and advancing technology will be displaying things in the lobby and talking to attendees
- The entire day including the speakers, breakfast, lunch and the art show cost only $15 for attendees.
- It is hosted by the University of Houston Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and The School of Art, and is open to the public.
- We have a ton of door prizes that have been donated by such companies as Pixologic and Smith Micro as well as many, many others.
It is amazing how far the term 3D goes. It is used in many different disciplines- All you have to do is look at the speaker list. We have those working in the arts, in gaming, in oil and gas, entertainment and much, much more.
Some interesting points about the talk of 3D at 3DCAMP
- Did you know that 3D technology is exploring and making advances in something called regenerative medicine? What is that? Need a kidney? This technology is working toward being able to print one for you, out of your own bio mass. They are already doing this with bone and skin.
- Did you know that the government is seeing the advancements and need for 3D and they are offering funding to encourage the education of it in the school systems?
- Did you know you can make a 3d image of yourself just using your cell phone and at no additional cost to you?
- Did you know that machines like a replicator on Star Trek, are very similar to the advancements that are being made in 3D technology?
If you want to learn more, hear more, and be a part of these incredible advancements, come check out 3DCAMP Houston 2012.
If you would like to find out more for the event or to register check out the website or meet us on twitter or facebook.
3DCAMP- Registration Is Open And Check Out These Speakers
For those of you who follow my blog, as Co-chairwoman of 3DCAMP Houston I have been working very hard on 3DCAMP Houston 2012. It is going to be an amazing event. 3DCAMP Houston 2012 is an all day symposium on Saturday September 29th from 8:00-5:00. It is being hosted by the University of Houston Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in conjunction with the School of Art. There will be 15 speakers talking on a variety of topics. Registration is only $15. and includes breakfast and a lunch. We are also having an an art show titled “The Third Dimension” coordinated by Betz Gallery. The show will exhibit everything 3D. It will be open all day on Saturday for those attending the symposium and then to the public after 5:00 p.m. You can check out the prospectus for further information. There is still time to get your artwork sent. We are not just looking for Rapid Prototyping items, but anything 3D. Do you work in architecture, math, or the sciences and have something to contribute? That is create because 3DCAMP is returning with STEAM an educational initiative that encompasses Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
I will be talking about some of the speakers through the 3DCAMP website and mailing list, but I thought I would include them here as well. These are our our first three speakers.
Here are our first three speakers, mentioned in our recent newsletter. Stay tuned for future newsletters and the website for the next 12.
Johannes Huber
Johannes Huber has worked in the entertainment industry as an artist since 1995. His art credits include games such as Starfleet Command 1 and 2, James Bond: Agent under Fire, and Mechwarrior Commander as well as films like RV, My Ex-Super Girlfriend, Rocky 6 and Seraphim Falls and worked with published authors on creature design and book covers. His other work includes clients such as Nalco and, Introgen Therapeutics, Inc, and other pharmaceutical companies focused on cancer treatment. He is an alumni of the Gnomon School of VFX high-end CG program and teaches illustration, Sculpting Human Anatomy and Autodesk Maya for the Houston Community College System. TOPIC: Digitally Sculpting in ZBrush and Human Anatomy
Mike de la Flor
Mike de la Flor is a freelance medical illustrator, animator, instructor and writer. He’s the author of The Digital Biomedical Illustration Handbook and other CG books and articles.Mike has also been an adjunct instructor of computer graphics at Kingwood College. TOPIC: Medical Illustration and Animation
Steven Ramirez
Steven Ramirez is the owner of Smash Design a Hollywood prop and set fabrication company. Steven first realized the need for new 3d fabrication methods while he worked on Hollywood movies sets for Film Director Robert Rodriguez at the world renowned studio Trouble Maker Studios there Steven discovered the need for 3d CNC machines which opened up new doors in the set construction world. But it wasn’t until working directly for ex-NASA Senior Robotics Engineer Chris Lovchik that his knowledge of 3d cnc all came together. Steven worked as an industrial designer for Lovchik’s tech company that fabricated the famous Carvewright cnc machine. Steven’s company Smash Design has since constructed numerous large scale projects for clients such as NASA, Saks 5th Avenue, Versace, Maersk, Cosentino, TLC, Warner Brothers, and NBC TV’s Extreme Home Makeover Edition. He uses large CNC’s to carve and create his 3d computer drafted models and themed environments and polishes them with old world sculpting and finishing techniques. TOPIC: Hollywood 3d Props
What Is A Work Station/Studio?
Someone recently asked if they could see how others set up their work station. I have always been intrigued with seeing pictures of other people’s studios as well. In light of that, I am posting my work spaces.
This is where I spend 98% of my life. Yes, I have a life, but I love what I do. The space is divided up into quadrants really. Upstairs is office, downstairs is studio and inspiration. I love my yard and have lots of animal company at the studio while I work. For more on that, look at the pictures below.
Oh yes, there is one more space, but I won’t show it. You see I’m a writer, and I do my best writing in bed. So on with the creative spaces.

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012
She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter and
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast
Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.
SIGGRAPH Conference- Looking For Interviews
SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques) is a very large computer graphics conferences. I have attended many SIGGRAPH conferences both as an attendee and as press. As a freelance writer and a podcaster I’m always looking for interesting new technology to discuss. My added interests this year are also emphasized by being Vice Chairwoman of 3DCAMP Houston 2012. I’m looking for things that might be of interest for our September 29th conference in Houston and artists for our international call for art for “The Third Dimension” Art show.

In the past SIGGRAPH has introduced me to some of the most interesting people and technology, and indeed it was the driving force for reference material as I completed an MFA-IA that focused on Art and Technology.
My thoughts on SIGGRAPH and Technology
I thought this might be a good opportunity to posts articles that relate to some of the topics at SIGGRAPH and art and technology that I have written in the past. I’ll also list my focus for my up and coming SIGGRAPH trip. If you know of a booth or an artist I should visit, please let me know. At this moment, I am not coming as press, but an attendee, unless someone needs an article or two from the conference, I’d be happy to oblige. My exploration at SIGGRAPH will still be as press, for my freelance articles and podcasts, as well as for a book I have been working on about Art and Technology. I’m just not working in an “official” SIGGRAPH Press capacity, unless someone contacts me to do so between now and SIGGRAPH.
Previous Articles and posts about SIGGRAPH Topics
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Review Pixologic ZBrush 4 Packed with features for both Mac and Windows Users.”
Studiodaily (November 2010) 30. pdf
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Exploring Digital Technologies as Applied to Traditional Sculpting.”
Sculpture Review. (Winter 2007) 30. pdf
Mongeon, Bridgette. “The American.”
Sculpture Review. (Winter 2007) 32. pdf
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Using the Computer and Poser in the Sculpture Studio.”
Best of Artists and Artisans online. (May2008)
Mongeon, Bridgette. “A Review of New Technology for the Traditional Studio at the Siggraph Convention.”
Best of Artists and Artisans online . (November 2008)
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Milling-An Additional Tool of Advanced Technology For the Traditional Sculptor.”
Best of Artists and Artisans online. (January 2009)
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Frankensteinian Art ”
Creative Endeavors. (May 2010)
Mongeon, Bridgette. “Antiquities, Masterpieces, Rights of Ownership and 3D Scanning”
Creative Endeavors. (May 2010)
Bridgette Mongeon, contributing author. Digital Sculpting with Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists. Focal Press 2010.
Book Chapters
Bridgette Mongeon, contributing writer. “A Brief History of Medical Illustration.” The Digital Biomedical
Illustration Handbook. Author de la Flor, Mike: Charles River Media, 2004.
Podcasts about Art and Technology
Besides writing articles I also have an Art and Technology podcast that I began during my graduate work. I am very interested in reviving these podcasts now that Graduate school is over. I’ll enjoy once again having that “fire side chat” with others in the industry.
You can see a list of the Art and Technology Podcasts on my other website Digital or your open the player and begin to listen
My interests for stories and interviews for SIGGRAPH-
Please note: Conferences are busy places. We can meet at SIGGRAPH and set up a time outside of SIGGRAPH to interview further.
- Anything relating to digital sculpting- software, hardware etc.
- Output- rapid prototyping advancements, milling, holographic imaging etc.
- Art and technology-artists and processes
- Scanning
- Robotics
- Antiquities and 3D
- Education of 3D and especially STEAM
- Papers relating to psychology and the process of creating in 3D
- There is always something new that I get so excited about when I go to SIGGRAPH-what is the cool new thing that will thrill me this year?
Here is a look at a video I found on SIGGRAPH Emerging technologies.